
joined 2 years ago
[–] Hogger86 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Managed to get the kitchen clean in time for the boiler service, bonus points I know have a deep cleaned kitchen. (I actually actually wiped behind the bottles of squash on the side.)

[–] Hogger86 5 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Look I am one, but think it is bitter millennials that joined Reddit ten years ago and want old Reddit and working apps. The new new generation are used to new Reddit and corporate millennials are elders now.

[–] Hogger86 6 points 2 years ago

Thing is I think it is those used to old Reddit are leaving. Those staying are those that joined after "new" Reddit and it is all they know. Old redditors are probably not profitable as they remember the wild west internet. New Reddit only know the corporate net and are easier to market to

[–] Hogger86 1 points 2 years ago

Interesting that you have done away with death saving throws for 9 rounds of bleeding out, seems very lenient, most can be got to in 3. In my last campaign my char only died as took area damage then rolled a nat 1 on death save. Also rolling death saves in secret between player and DM is cool as means player tried to heal my dead cleric, and getting to sadly say "no effect" was heart breaking.

[–] Hogger86 2 points 2 years ago

Then Minimum wage is topped up with tax credits or be benefit, which I was actually rewarding the buisness not the individual but letting the buisness pay less than a living wage for those 40hrs

[–] Hogger86 4 points 2 years ago

Yep it can be the law in some places.

I know a music festival that gave free tickets for volunteers in return for 5x8hr shifts. As the festival was a limited company (not charity) the minimum wage laws of my country kicked in.

[–] Hogger86 10 points 2 years ago

I have to say I do LIKE the feeling of the jet hitting my sphincter. I mean it's not full hunnnrrrr but it is ...pleasent

[–] Hogger86 25 points 2 years ago (2 children)

It really isn't. Twitter is still up despite musk and Reddit is still strong.despite this...you miss the aim. If the aim is egalitarian then yeah....but no the aim is to make personal money and power (in musk case it is political.platform like being a modern newspaper baron..the next Rupert Murdoch, spaz for the sweet sweet IPO for yacht.

[–] Hogger86 6 points 2 years ago

I once signed up for premium when old Reddit had no ads and thought it may keep the site unenshitified

[–] Hogger86 2 points 2 years ago

Don't forget the money hungry selfish plotters suddenly on a suicide mission

[–] Hogger86 3 points 2 years ago

In the last scene it did seem odd that m'benga was absolutly fine yet chapel was still in effectively ICU

[–] Hogger86 3 points 2 years ago

I think it would have been better as a comic moment towards the end of the episode, as they leave to come home... In the tense moment of stealing the ship and answering distress call it felt very forced.

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