That damn fish that decided "hmm wonder what dry land is like". Fuck that guy.
Back in those days you could solo make it on your lunch break a prototype and go "hey! Game! Make money!" And that was it you'd be giving a 8ball and a weekend to finish it and that was that.
Old Spice F-35 is my favorite scent.
Ladies love the smell of jet exhaust in the morning.
Disagree. This "man" seeks to rule over us he doesn't get common decency of any kind.
That goes for every single politician, CEO, manager, boss, cop, etc. You want the job then get fucking roasted. Your job as this so called authority figure is to take it on the chin and be better than us to a point we don't feel the need to roast you over petty shit.
The problem with this world is we don't bully authority enough.
Look you say "X user" and im thinking X11 Windowing system. Stop trying to make X happen.
Her: who the hell is Steve Jobs?
Nintendo switch says "sup?"
be Antarctician
Larian has always been "based" ever since Divine Divinity ages ago.
USA in big doo doo
If the Earth can't survive with mosquitoes and wasps, if the entire fabric of life is based on these two pillars living then motherfuck it, let it all burn down. I'm with you.