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[–] HereIAm 3 points 2 weeks ago

If they didn't want to have a face they shouldn't have evolved two small rings above a large ring!

[–] HereIAm 4 points 2 weeks ago

That's the joke. Greedo shooting first was a poor edit made in later editions, because god forbid the smuggler plays a bit dirty sometimes. If you look closely Han's head just shifts to the side like someone cut it out in Paint. It was the start of the downfall of the originals tragic remaster journey.

[–] HereIAm 13 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (4 children)

I mean, there is definitely a crowd that don't like women as lead characters. While not directly related to movies, just see how a bit of peach fuzz on Aloy upset people when they showed off the new Horizon game. And that's not a poorly written game or character.

Something like Captain Marvel does suit your argument; a poorly written character and movie, so people who criticise it get lumped in with the "women are bad" crowd. But there definitely are people who just hate things that put women in the spotlight.

Edit: fix shockingly poor grammar and spelling.

[–] HereIAm 5 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

It isn't open source, which makes it's hard to verify their claims, but Magic Earth uses OSM data and has traffic data in some countries. It has worked really well for me in the UK with arrival times being quite accurate to within a couple of minutes for 3-4 hour drives. They claim not to gather/sell any of your data, as they make their money through corporate customers.

[–] HereIAm 5 points 3 weeks ago

It's basically in use today. Apparently younger generations are more used to searching for files rather than structuring them.

[–] HereIAm 20 points 1 month ago

China's economy is reheated leftovers confirmed.

[–] HereIAm 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

I think I should try this game at some point. I feel like it has always been there. I might be making up memories, but I think I remember always seeing this game listed in the games section on any Linux distro I tried even over a decade ago. While other RTS' have come and gone, 0 AD has always been watching from the shadows.

[–] HereIAm 7 points 1 month ago

Agreed. Like I get "hurr durr statistics". But you're not very likely to be in a car crash on any given day, but you still put your seat belt on. That people can't take the backseat for just a second and have some empathy for the struggles of other people without butting in with whataboutism. You're even allowed to share in their struggle. I don't fear I'll be SAd, but of course I fear physical violence, so use your commonality to support each other rather than trying to one up.

[–] HereIAm 4 points 1 month ago

That's the one I was gonna post! I think the text file containing ASCII 0s and 1s for an image of the Mona Lisa comes second.

[–] HereIAm 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

But I feel like that will just lead to more training with the same (or more) hardware with a more efficient model. Bitcoin mining didn't slow down only because it got harder. However I don't know enough about the training process. I assume more efficient use of the hardware would allow for larger models to be trained on the same hardware and training data?

[–] HereIAm 4 points 1 month ago

The lamp is rendered by small electric lights, be it LEDs or LCD. CRTs are in a bit of an grey area. But you can absolutely use a monitor as a light source by itself .

[–] HereIAm 3 points 1 month ago

For what reasons other than political would blizzard want to stay on his good side? Or do you think Elon's money in the cosmetic store would just be that valuable to them?

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