I think its because they tech how great a nation is America from a very young age. The country is great. It is the best. The ultimate true power. President is like more powerful than pop. God always their for America. White american people are true American etc etc. So it goes on and they become blind of truth. Hence it forms in their character. Its the main contributing factor I believe.
Oh i think this is the fingerprint they added. For more data collection.
Love the view
But if it affects the os or other systems user will lose it. So yeah. If possible its a No. I know there are still some people uses it.
Is this for medication reminder? Then there is a great app Im currently using. Its called pillo. Pillo It is the best foss app to do the job. Check that out. For other reminders tasks.org is good. But Ive not used the snooz or alarm like you asked. I always go into the app n check for the tasks.
Tasks.org is the best I've come across. But the frequent reminder may seem like a good idea. But I don't know, it may be annoying later.
Looks like a pyramid. Nice.
Ive pixel 6a and happy with it as well.
YEP! That!
So you can change the status anytime?
Really a great effort. I too love to use foss apps for my daily use and I've found some new tools from your blog. Thanks for that.
Find Imgaetoolbox. Its an image editor with a ton of uses. Even APNG (similar to gif) can be made. Free. They have telegram support grp if need. Free android app. I'm not sure if its on playstore. I'm using it and its awesome.