Three years is probably generous. He isn't exactly a prime example of health and fitness. That said, I am not sure this is a guy that would suffer the type of stress that a normally balanced person would in the situations he has found himself in. His personality may have shielded him from it all. Who knows? Nothing makes sense to me anymore after this last election.
He and I have vastly different ideas of problems we consider "important" to solve.
But you are potentially introducing yourself to elevated cancer risks because of the hormones found in milk and heart disease from the cholesterol. You are better off getting calcium from green leafy vegetables, beans (soy, chickpeas...) and nuts than dairy products.
Dairy is a double edged sword. Some components prevent cancer, some are found to likely contribute to cancer devlopment. Factor in the environmental and humane impacts to dairy on top of that, and it is even less compelling to lean on it for health reasons. It might be about time to remove subsidies that benefit the meat and dairy industry. It's costing the US consumer way more than one would think. The cost/benefit is really upside down.
That is a good album. Those cats jam, and jam well.
Terribly gullible, misguided people. I would almost feel bad for them if they didn't literally have all of the worlds public facing information, accessible at any time, within thier pocket to separate fact from fiction.
But then again he assembled the terrorist equivalent to soda and pop-rocks, so perhaps research wasn't his strong suit.
I really believe half of the country should reacquaint themselves with the word "patriot"
So, shitty truck sorta manages an even shittier car bomb.
Weird flex, but thanks for the distillation, Musk.
I am not sure, I was just guessing it did. The last episode just had me going, "oh, OK. Fair enough." and didn't really provoke any more curiosity out of me. I think between the general fractured feel of it all and duration between seasons... Should have named it Disengagement.
I kid, sort of.
I enjoyed it for the most part. I just had a hard time shaking how disjointed it all felt. It was missing something to keep it cohesive and flowing properly. I can't put my finger on it.
Meanwhile, Disenchantment seemed like it was written episode by episode. I guess it all tied up in the end, but I didn't care about 90+ percent of the arcs, so the whole series felt half-baked to me. I enjoyed it, but something felt off, by miles.
It looks like an opal. Central America is amazing. I need to get back down there.
The process certainly should
Stop subsidizing the meat/dairy industries and use-it-or-lose-it water policies that use excess land for feed. The increased cost will shift demand, because that is the only way to speak to the consumer. They won't change for thier health, the environment or for humane reasons. The only leverage is convenience and cost.