
joined 2 years ago
[–] Hawke 1 points 1 year ago
[–] Hawke 2 points 1 year ago

if we were to sell today we'd be lucky to get what we paid because we've just had a repair bill come in for about the same amount

That’s significantly better than what you’d have got out of renting, i.e. nothing.

So worst-case buying is far better than best-case renting.

[–] Hawke 1 points 1 year ago

Seems pointless, especially if free refills are involved. He could have just as easily drank 11 8-oz cups if they sold them in that size. All it does is make it sound crazier at first glance without changing anything about the facts.

[–] Hawke 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

In that sense, stating an amount of caffeine per “cup” is completely meaningless, since they can be most any size. It could mean a coffee cup (5 oz) or a 7-11 Team Gulp cup (128oz), or anything in between or beyond.

[–] Hawke 1 points 1 year ago

How do you think terms like that get established?

Try searching for “charged drink”, you find in addition to Panera’s infamous offering: Sprecher charged lemonade, NOS charged citrus, a Coca Cola brand simply called “charged”… pretty much every single result relates to energy drinks of some kind.

[–] Hawke 1 points 1 year ago (4 children)

A cup is commonly defined as 8 oz. There is no way that drinking a full 30-oz “cup” three times could be construed as “a single cup” by any definition.

[–] Hawke 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I know you saw my other comment but 13 mg/oz is a little above average for an “energy drink”, not unusual at all. Most of the upper range is 300 mg/16 oz = 18.75 mg/oz. Just below that, 200 mg/12 oz is common: 16.67 mg/oz. Then there’s a lot around 160 mg/16 oz = 10 mg/oz. Anything below that and you’re pretty much outside the range of “energy drink”. Heck even regular coffee is around 12 mg/oz (95 mg /cup). So this lemonade has slightly higher caffeine content than coffee.

The only unusual thing is drinking 90 oz in one sitting.

[–] Hawke 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

pro-gin voters

I thought we resolved that with the end of Prohibition?

[–] Hawke 1 points 1 year ago (6 children)

if a company sold that shit with alcohol levels slamming right against safe daily intake levels in a single cup,

It’s not in a single cup though, that was my point. It’s in a giant fucking monstrosity of a cup, and this dude drank three of them.

This is like if someone drinks a case of hard lemonade and is surprised to get drunk!

I’ll cut some slack because the dude was mentally handicapped but this is entirely predictable.

[–] Hawke 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (10 children)

It’s absolutely typical. Here’s an article comparing 31 popular energy drinks. 3 at around 6-8 mg/FlOz, 16 of them are around 10 mg/FlOz, and the other 12 are in the range of 16-18 mg/FlOz. So that puts Panera right around the average of 12.4

Regarding terminology you might compare “hard lemonade” which has a lot more alcohol in it than is typical for lemonade…

Regarding the cup size, let me introduce you to the big gulp range with a “shocking” 690 mg per ‘cup’. It’s quite surprising but a larger drink contains more caffeine.

[–] Hawke -2 points 1 year ago (15 children)

The point is that it doesn’t have any unusual amount of caffeine for an energy drink. Saying it has the limit in a single cup is misleading when the “cup” is not a normal size.

[–] Hawke -2 points 1 year ago (17 children)

A cup is 8 oz. 30 oz is just under 4 cups.

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