Ménage à Troi
What's the second dish pictured? The one that looks like Bell peppers are being simmered in a pot.
On the weekends, it was routine for me to hop on my bike once my chores were done and just take off. The rule was just had to be home by dinner time, or call from whichever friends house I was at if I couldn't make it back in time. No cell phones.
Thanks, I'm usually better about that. Fixed in my comment as well.
I think you're the first person I've seen correctly attribute this to the New Yorker instead of a 4chan green text or copy pasta.
I've been seriously considering picking up a trumpet and starting a ska band with some of my other middle aged friends just for shits and giggles. Seems like a lot of fun.
This describes my CISO to a fucking tee.
I'm on the older side of being a millennial. When I was in highschool (late '90s early 2k), guidance counselors were absolutely telling kids to just get any college degree they could and there'd be a job waiting for them when they graduated.
On the other hand if they didn't get a degree they'd be losers working jobs like having to be a garbage man and or would probably end up as homeless drug addicted losers.
Jfc this gave me a very much needed full belly laugh.