Sad we can't find a political way for everyone to have enough of what we have.
It's called communism.
That's not the real Aladeen
I watched it with my partner and we riffed on it the whole time. Thoroughly enjoyable. Making fun of the movie's bad parts allowed me to get past the boredom and appreciate the good.
Is it available internationally?
The comments are all saying that's not crazy, it's just how jazz artists express themselves.
That's a really healthy attitude
Under a Roman Christian theology, the lord isn't just some guy. He's the personification of the quality of existence in the universe.
Look at it this way: imagine if the colour purple walked up to you and said hi. He's every purple crayon, every purple flower, every purple tee shirt. He is purpleness itself. If you shot him dead with a gun, all the purple in the universe would disappear and there would be one less colour.
Now imagine someone shot Existence dead with a gun. Nothing would exist anymore. To most Christians, this is precisely what they imagine a world without the lord would look like. They are baffled by the idea that atheists think they live in such a world.
Personally, I prefer the original polytheistic interpretation of Judaism, and I think Roman adoption of Christianity is the single worst thing to ever happen to the world.
I think people would rather talk about Spider Verse and Glass Onion
Well it's really long. Maybe they'll play an abridged cut
A ghost gun is what Emporio used to escape from Pucci in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean