
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 weeks ago

Shedu if fits my style nicely... maybe not always aesthetically but my gameplay style. It's a launcher, firing explosives but it does so at pinpoint accuracy so you can readily get headshots.

Feels so nice to use. Feels so painful to get though.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 weeks ago

And good riddance to the world's largest apocalyptic death cult.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Dogs, I just like having backup when I'm out on an adventure.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 month ago

That's the thing though, all religions are control schemes. Christianity especially. It has nothing to do with being moral and everything to do with being obedient to a particular authority. The core of the faith is authoritarianism, not any branch of morality.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago

Yeah... I can barely smell at all. Even normally strong smells like that of the urine of an unfixed male cat aren't particularly impactful to me. I wouldn't have even considered the potentiality that ants have a distinctive smell in spite of being aware that they use pheromone trails for navigation.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

My response;

How do you handle death being the end?

It's something of a relief to me. I won't be around to worry about projects left incomplete or things not done once I am gone. The sense that there is some great finality to the presentation that is my life is nice now that I've gotten over being told there would be otherwise as a child.

Seriously, what's the point in living?

I don't know about you but I enjoy what I do and further enjoy it when it's helpful. Books, movies, video games... most things, really, end. People still enjoy them and I'm treating life the same way. I'm enjoying mine while it lasts.

Why be good if there is no Hell?

I don't get off on other people's suffering and to the best of my understanding, including some understanding of computer models, cooperation works better than trying to cheat everyone. So, I'm good because it's the sensible course of action. I don't need a negative incentive when there's already positive ones and all of this being on top of Humans being a social species such that most of us can share in the joy of others, especially if we have contributed to it.

You seriously don't understand God.

Well, if he's got the powers you describe him as having then he doesn't want me to understand. How am I meant to believe in an entity with perfect ability to hide from my perception? If it's so important that I believe in him maybe you should tell him he's won this hide-and-seek game and he can come out now.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

'Yeah, you'd be surprised how good you are when you're doing good for the sake of it rather than trying to earn some reward.'

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

Seeing posts like this is always a bit frustrating. Autism wasn't discovered in the 80s or later, descriptions of it predate WWII. Just a matter of people not caring and some governments being actively hostile... both to the research itself and the people.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

TBF at least one of those has a known answer, it's just a matter that the problem fundamentally is that those who can meaningfully influence the problem want the problem.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

No. My statement is that I've yet to receive any kind of response to any inquiry directed toward Jesus while I have never been just wholly ignored by a search engine.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago (5 children)

How 'bout that I've never gotten no response from Google, or any search engine for that matter, and that is the only result I've gotten from Jesus?

[–] [email protected] 21 points 2 months ago (3 children)

And something to hold the TV at a reasonable viewing angle from a comfy seated position.

The Voxel Lance (dormi.zone)
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/spaceengineers

Hello everyone, It's more ore less complete so I figured it's time to share my large grid build: The Voxel Lance https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3108828736

The Lance is a bore-miner meant to land next to ore deposits and use the bore-drill affixed to the top of the ship to collect the ore. Warning: Don't operate the drill in flight. It dangerously rotates the entire ship. I'm not sure the build has sufficient thrust for the cargo to be filled entirely... can't seem to get sufficient lift while having a hull.

Edit: If anyone tries out the Lance please let me know what you think of it or any ideas for making it better. I mostly engineer things from scratch and only take a little from videos (eg the drill-head for the Lance is from a short I've seen you YT)

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/spaceengineers

Really wish there was a 'guess best fit' option somewhere when building a hull. I've got a spot where I'm trying to blend a slope and it feels like I've tried every armor piece in every configuration and none of them fit.

I have an OK mental image of what I want the hull to look like and it's actually helping with the choice-paralysis from my prior post however I can't hold a few dozen different mental images in my head at once to fit the puzzle pieces together in a timely manner. What fits in the game shown?

To zoom out a bit: the idea I had for the Hull was to have a cockpit on a protrusion and have it enlarge in a segment or two before more-or-less flattening out on a wider body. I'm trying to make the slope for one of the first columns of it widening and need this mystery block.

Edit: Adjusted the overall shape of the build to avoid needing this part... I think it looks better now too. Making good progress and came up with a name for it. I may post a download link to the Voxel Lance v1 sometime soon.


Hello everyone, Figured I'd ask here 'cause I'm getting the problem that got me to quit my previous world again: When I've got a sufficiently large build I want to make I can't clearly envision how I want to assemble it. To take the current example: I've just finished building my Miner Mk2 after redesigning it (lost my BPs when I upgraded my PC) and I can already see that while leagues better than the Mk1 it will be insufficient for the big projects I want to do... so I've begun work designing it's replacement. Thing is the replacement is a Large Grid mining vessel with a special mining bore-arm that I'd designed separately and special connector-arm to be able to transfer material to my ground-base. I've got those two elements but I can see several ways to set up the internals and I'm not sure which one to go with... or how I'd want to stylize the Hull since I couldn't exactly fly a LG brick.

Anyone else get this problem? Should I design the hull first and then fit the functional bits inside it?


Hello everyone, I'm working on building myself a better mining ship and it's occurred to me that I predominantly use only two mining methods: Fixed drills or "simple" drilling arms that use only pistons and rotors to extend forward and make a bar of drills drill the area of a field via rotation.

I'm know people make large-grid mining ships and I've seen a few that are amazing... and suffered a good bit trying to replicate a design I can't find anymore. But, I don't know much about how to effectively go about mining with large drills...

When I was trying to make a large-grid drill wheel I was told that builds usually focus on making a small number of drills do more drilling and my design was horribly inefficient (and it was, in addition to being a PITA to assemble). So, are there any good resources on how to make a drilling-arm that'll cover a broad area using a small number of drills?


I just finished building a functional ground-base and realized I've build myself a little metal square with machines on it. A bit uninspired but functional as I have easy access to everything I need... altogether an OK step up from the starting 'row of machines' but still not quite a good base.

Figured I'd ask; What do you do to make your ground bases or space stations look nice?

Unbound. (dormi.zone)

Just made this achievement, every Way-Bound talent is unbound and my main Focus School is maxed out. The Drifter/Operator actually feels quite powerful with all or even most of it and a good amp.


Hello everyone, So saw that Baro is back as he is every weekend and went to check out what he's got. Saw a few things and traded in some prime junk... amongst my haul of void goodies was a Pedestal Prime. It was only after I'd got it back to my Orbiter and found a few decent looking spots for it that I realized something: I don't have anything glorious enough to display on a prime Pedestal.

So, to end the "... and this is where I'd put a trophy IF I HAD ONE!" situation I'm now in what are some things impressive enough to not tarnish the impressiveness of my new pedestal?


Hey... really been enjoying Kullervo but I'm experiencing some weirdness. I get frustrating, likely bugged, behavior when using his first ability.

If I'm wielding a machete, more specifically the Prova (haven't tested with others), I'm stuck in and endless melee cycle. If I'm using a glave, more specifically the Cerata (same as above), I'm stuck in place facing the ground.

Using a hammer or sword & board I seem to be fine to use the power.


Hello everyone, Was just looking up a farm and the thought occurred to me that while I understand how to follow semi-technical tutorials and have a basic understanding of how most/all redstone blocks work I don't know very much about building the machinery or circuits myself from scratch.

I've built a 3x3 piston door from a mix of scratch & memory (seen it done in videos many times prior to trying myself but wasn't intentionally copying any specific circuitry) and could intuit how to make a basic auto-smelter & auto-composters without having to look them up.

But I only have a vauge understanding that there are such things as quasiconnectivity and T Flip Flops. So, anyone have good resources for learning to do the engineering rather than Ikea-ing builds?


Was just doing some Railjack -> Necramech missions with a buddy and the thought occurred to me that I'm using the simply most brutally effective Heavy Weapon in spite of my approach to Warframe shifting toward doing what's fun. So what Heavy Weapons do you use and why?

Further how do you mod them... though we don't exactly have the wealth of variety for Archgun mods as we do most other weapons.


...and I'm impressed. I did a quick reference of what she needs in terms of making her powers shine and threw something together then gave her a simple trial-by-fire: Zariman Exterminate At first my guns were carrying her. Got a little cocky and activated a Void Angel... couldn't handle it with just the guns (didn't bring my best to avoid wholly carrying her). So I avoid it and go about killing the enemies I need and in the process unlock Merulina. I hop on and decide to give the Angel another try since it's been following me. Now I've got the advantage against it. In the battle against the Angel I unlock Aqueblades and found they were... honestly OK against the Angel but pretty good against the Grineer.

Anyone else surprised by her beating the negative hype?

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/minecraft

Hello everyone, I've just finished the first segment of a sorting system in my world and now I'm left with an interesting decision: How do I decide what to sort with my currently limited sorts (84) and how to organize them within the system?

The system is organized as a square with 21 filters per side. I'm intending to build further layers below the current one until I can sort all stacking blocks but that's going to take quite a while and in the meantime I'd like to start enjoying the fruits of my labor.

So, how do you decide what to sort and where it's sorted within your system?

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