
joined 1 year ago
Smugly (
submitted 5 days ago by HKPiax to c/memes
[–] HKPiax 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I’m sorry, is this a 5 minute argument or the full half an hour?

[–] HKPiax 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Trick question: Rome never fell. It still lives inside our hearts.

[–] HKPiax 3 points 1 week ago
[–] HKPiax 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

For some reason this photo looks like it has been taken in the 20s rather than the 50s

[–] HKPiax 20 points 1 week ago (5 children)
[–] HKPiax 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I wish I had enough time and intelligence to study this stuff so that I can argue about it with someone. This shit is so cool, it’s basically how everything “modern” started. What great arguments can come out of discussing these few guys alone.

[–] HKPiax 19 points 1 week ago (1 children)


[–] HKPiax 6 points 2 weeks ago

If you just think about it, it’s just people asking to be left alone and to not be hated for something that doesn’t involve anyone else. These poor fuckers.

[–] HKPiax 4 points 2 weeks ago

The guy smiling, showing what he will talk about with the names of the technologies and an overall evaluation of which is “better” is that clickbaity to you? Come on.

[–] HKPiax 4 points 2 weeks ago

Something something, RimjobSteve

[–] HKPiax 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Who did this Gallenius fella piss off to end up in that sticky situation?

[–] HKPiax 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Just imagine without all these fucking setbacks where we could be now

Small birb (
submitted 4 weeks ago by HKPiax to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago by HKPiax to c/technology

So, uhm, what the hell is going on with all these ad posts I’m seeing in this community?

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by HKPiax to c/photography


I'm trying to wrap my head around the rolling shutter effect, specifically why it happens.

I'm having a hard time understanding how the readout speed affects the image. If I understood correclty, when in electronic shutter mode the pixels are exposed as indicated by the shutter speed (e.g. at 1/1000 each pixel is exposed for 1/1000 of a second).

If the readout takes 1/100 s to scan the entire sensor, what happens exactly when I take the picture? Do the pixels start firing sequentially as the shutter speed dictates (i.e. 1/1000 s each, sequentially)? If that is the case, do they wait for the readout to catch up or do they continue firing? If the latter, by the time the readout reaches the second pixel, the eleventh pixel is firing, so there are 10 pixel between the one firing and the one being read. Does it work like this?

If the pixels are exposed for 1/1000 s and then turned off and their value stored, wouldn't that mean that the image should not be affected? I mean, they saw the subject for 1/1000 s and the motion should be frozen, they are just waiting for the value to be read. Just like if you asked 10 people to open their eyes for 1 second (shutter speed), one after the other, and draw what they see. They saw if for one second each, so at most the difference in the position of what they saw should cover 10 seconds. Then they can take hours to draw what they saw (readout speed), but what they saw specifically wouldn't be afftected by how long it takes them to draw it. Am I wrong here maybe?

Also, in general, why is mechanical shutter not as affected (if affected at all) by the rolling shutter effect? Does the sensor capture light differently when in mechanical shutter mode?

I just don't get it. I feel like I'm close to understanding why, but I still don't.

I know I'm probably weird for focusing so much on something technical like this, but it just bugs me so much.

Any help is greatly appreciated, really.


Hi everyone, although I like to study the photography topic, I'm really a noob when it comes to practical terms.

I would like to take pictures at a family event which will take place in a garden in the evening/night.

Well, my gear is quite modest, and I know I don't have what I need to take good pictures of both the place and the people there. I'm looking to rent a nice lens to carry around as I take pictures (and enjoy the party too! So I'm just taking one 😅). So I would really appreciate some advice on what to rent.

There are the four lenses I found while digging, two are primes, two are zooms:

  • Canon RF 24MM F/1.8 IS STM: it's fast, with IS, but I'm not sure about portraits with this focal length.

  • Canon EF 24mm f/1.4 L II USM: super fast, no IS, still not sure about portraits with this focal length.

  • Canon EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM: IS, quite fast, zoom lets me take portraits, but I've read it's not very sharp.

  • Canon RF 15-35mm f/2.8 L IS USM: IS, quite fast, zoom lets me take portraits (not strongly as the one above but still).

Here's my situation:

  • I have Canon Eos R10 with the EF adapter.
  • My hands are shaky, so without IS I need to be at least at 1/125...
  • I like to keep ISO really low (<6400) if I can.
  • I kind of pixel peep (I know I don't have the right because I'm crap but I can't resist) so I like to take as sharp pictures as I can.

Which lens would you reccommend? Since I'm renting them I was thinking about going all in with the expensive ones, the cost won't increase much. The primes are so bright I feel comfortable they will be bright enough, but I don't know if I can take good portraits at 24mm. On the other hand, zooms let me do more things, but I don't know if I can handle f/2.8 with my crappy and shaky hands.

Of course, if you can think of other lenses that would be perfect for the job I'm all ears!



Hi everyone, although I like to study the photography topic, I'm really a noob when it comes to practical terms.

I would like to take pictures at a family event which will take place in a garden in the evening/night.

Well, my gear is quite modest, and I know I don't have what I need to take good pictures of both the place and the people there. I'm looking to rent a nice lens to carry around as I take pictures (and enjoy the party too! So I'm just taking one 😅). So I would really appreciate some advice on what to rent.

There are the four lenses I found while digging, two are primes, two are zooms:

  • Canon RF 24MM F/1.8 IS STM: it's fast, with IS, but I'm not sure about portraits with this focal length.

  • Canon EF 24mm f/1.4 L II USM: super fast, no IS, still not sure about portraits with this focal length.

  • Canon EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM: IS, quite fast, zoom lets me take portraits, but I've read it's not very sharp.

  • Canon RF 15-35mm f/2.8 L IS USM: IS, quite fast, zoom lets me take portraits (not strongly as the one above but still).

Here's my situation:

  • I have Canon Eos R10 with the EF adapter.
  • My hands are shaky, so without IS I need to be at least at 1/125...
  • I like to keep ISO really low (<6400) if I can.
  • I kind of pixel peep (I know I don't have the right because I'm crap but I can't resist) so I like to take as sharp pictures as I can.

Which lens would you reccommend? Since I'm renting them I was thinking about going all in with the expensive ones, the cost won't increase much. The primes are so bright I feel comfortable they will be bright enough, but I don't know if I can take good portraits at 24mm. On the other hand, zooms let me do more things, but I don't know if I can handle f/2.8 with my crappy and shaky hands.

Of course, if you can think of other lenses that would be perfect for the job I'm all ears!


submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by HKPiax to c/techsupport

Hi, the issue I’m having is pretty straightforward and I don’t want to bore you:

I have a Mac and a Win11 PC on the same private network. I have a folder on Win11 that I want to share with Mac, and the other way around.

I’ve set up a new local user on the Win11 machine with accesso to that folder only (for security reasons). It has a user and a password, and when I try to connect to a new “server” on MacOS (cmd+k) and I input the folder path, I then log in with that user’s credentials just fine.

The issue is with the Mac folder shared on Win11: I’ve enabled SMB file sharing on the Mac and given the permissions on that folder to a “sharing only” account I’ve created locally. When on Win11 I try to connect to the Mac (I have to input the Mac’s IP, using “smb://…” doesn’t work), it asks for the credentials and it always says the “network password” is incorrect. The weird thing is, if I input the main MacOS account’s credentials I read the folder just fine (and everything else if course).

What am I doing wrong?


I hoped they would migrate here, dammit.


Hi, is it possible to follow a community that is on Mastodon? I'm on and I "know" how to follow communities on other instances, but I can't find info about doing it for communities on Mastodon (I'm trying to follow

Can you guys help me? Thanks!

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by HKPiax to c/[email protected]
  • I noticed that if I rotate my device, the whole feed refreshes/goes back to the top so I lose my "progress".

  • Also, if I gesture back from the main feed, I get logged out and need to log back in.

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