Boomer ass post
I thought the same too, but if you take into account the whole planet, with different cultures and different climates, maybe that evens out the distribution making it uniform again? Then again, there are cultures that don't even use the gregorian calendar so maybe that skews the distribution once again lol
You can’t even count, cunt. Fat Amy’s canards are just a little shy so they hide behind the wings.
To be fair, even in Europe as soon as you’re out of the “city”, buses start coming fewer and fewer times during the day. Where I live, I used to get 2 buses in the morning, one one hour after the first.
Aaaaand my blood is now boiling
No, but I could give you a run-over
I don’t know what I expected
I’ve spent 10 minutes trying to find out if the Celina 52 truck stop is real or not. It’s so bizarre, every post and every comment is just bizarre.
Birds of a feather down civilian aircraft together
Any conservative viewpoint invokes Poe’s Law, and it has been like this for a few years now
You a CSV file reader or something?
Awaken my masters!