Gameboy Color with 1st gen Pokemon still running strong
There's a neat video showcase of their process/factory on YouTube. Forgot which channel made it but think something like veritasium/sed
Have there even been much development in sound quality of speakers over the year, that is hardware?
One of the first projectors that could do 720p from 20+ years ago. Kinda crazy how bad it seems now while being state of the art on release
Ribs, just but them Ready for cook
Hours? Literally takes half an hour and you can just leave it donits own thing while its working in the pot lol
And YouTube is completely unusable without paying or adblock. Letting literal scams market on their platform
Too many to name. I'm easily on YouTube 2+ hours each day and there's not exactly lack of quality content
Nothing crazy in Germany
Now Epic games are next, hopefully.