I created a comment to report it under the post on rules for bots, realized that wasn’t how to do it, and then sent a link to the comment in a report hotline. Only after I did that a couple days later did the comment get removed by AutoMod as "troll reports will get you banned". I'm assuming the automod thought I was reporting my own post, but I'm just leaving a record of this here for people to consult in case things get worse.
...AutoMod got it. :P I’m assuming there’s some sort of flag for sending a comment to the moderator hotline (at least that’s the only explanation I’ve got). Hopefully it'll be back soon.
…which is more than you can say about Reddit.
And this is why I use Lemmy.
♪ Come along with me ♪
I agree with JustARaccoon's reply to your comment, and also this is really turning from a respectful debate into a ridiculous argument for something most everyone thinks is wrong. The artists should get their compensation. I don't care how "improbable" it is, it needs to happen.
The problem being, how do we get it banned?
By "figure it out" I meant "figure out a way to get big companies on board"
I also agree that ethical sourcing is pretty ridiculous given real world constraints, but I'm holding out hope that someone figures it out.
Ever think about how this is the same admin that banned a ton of people super immaturely that one time? And (this isn't necessarily bad, but it's a bit of a red flag combined with the other stuff) their PFP is AI generated?