
joined 6 months ago
[–] GroundedGator 1 points 1 minute ago

I started keeping a list of companies that cold call me, it will take a lot for me to ever do business with any of them.

The worse are the lead gen companies. Those assholes call me multiple times a day even after I tell them not to call and report them.

[–] GroundedGator 4 points 3 days ago

caused “substantial harm to television program copyright owners,_

Maybe? People willing to copy and distribute this content will always be around and you will never catch them all. People willing to pay a discount or seek not and find said content will always be around. And there will be those who will watch a show or a movie because it is freely available, who would never pay a dime for it.

They will never end piracy and I'd argue it might actually be bad for business if they did.

[–] GroundedGator 5 points 6 days ago (6 children)

I wonder how mass deportations would actually work. To me it sounds like seeking out undocumented or potentially undocumented people and detaining them until they are deported or can prove a legal status. It sounds like rounding people up based on some sort of identifying factor. How many people will get detained who shouldn't be?

[–] GroundedGator 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Tiny hands, tiny tongue. He barely noticed it.

[–] GroundedGator 24 points 1 week ago (8 children)

Drumpf can't even hold a glass of water, I'm supposed to believe her can hold anything to smoke out of? He'd probably put the lit end of a blunt in his mouth and bite.

[–] GroundedGator 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The idea that either event would be featured in a textbook below a university political science course is a bit of a dream anyway.

But I can only imagine the exam confusion.

Excuse me sir is this about 1968 or 2024?

[–] GroundedGator 0 points 1 week ago (10 children)

Far left to far right it's all a scam. You'll see people slam a policy and still come up with a reason to vote for that policy. Almost all raise money from the same corporate interests.

This only gets better with major election finance reform and ethics reform with teeth.

[–] GroundedGator 5 points 1 week ago (13 children)

I haven't looked them up, but I'm guessing most who voted for it are in purple districts and trying to keep their seats.

But fuck that bill. Their anti-woke war is going to cause a talent drain across the federal government. If my family was living on a base in a state without reproductive protections I'd be looking for a transfer or a new job.

[–] GroundedGator 4 points 1 week ago

CDC released the statement on Wednesday and it looks like the AG likely made this public on Thursday, or that's at least when arraignments were.

[–] GroundedGator 2 points 1 week ago

I wasn't discounting anyone. I wasn't even offering a solution. Simply an anecdote.

[–] GroundedGator 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Can we get a statue of a diapered 45 standing on a platform held up by the working class surrounded by the likes of people like Mike Johnson and bitch McConnell bending a knee to the fool.

[–] GroundedGator 5 points 1 week ago

While I see your point, I fear that even in the context of a museum they would become targets of pilgrimage for people who missed the glory days.


The parties used to work together, it was unthinkable to not compromise for their constituents. Today we hear politicians talk as if it would be treason to work with members from the other side.

There is no both sides in this either. One side wants to govern alone to their own interests, not those of their constituents.

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