Great tips just want to add a few. Yes use drywall mud, slop it on, not too thick. It will contract. Didn't try to get it perfect with the spackle knife. Use coarse and fine drywall sandpaper or a sponge. The sponge will help get the corner crisp, if you use paper, wrap it around a square block. Use very light pressure. Give it a day or 2 to dry before sanding. Use a quality printer before painting.
Some people will say you should make sure all the loose bits are chipped away, in my experience you may end up taking much more down than you want. Try and get anything raised chipped away and some peel stop primer will help to hold it down and prevent future chipping.
He violated SEC rules when he bought up Twitter stock, I wouldn't be shocked if he was selling off positions without reporting it. Who's going to enforce the laws/rules against him?
Subscription based navigation? Want to use your car's navigation system, there's a fee for that? Want to fly a drone, that'll be 9.99/month. Hopefully there will be a carve out for emergency systems.
This will also allow Tesla to up their traffic game. If everyone is using the Starlink GPS for navigation they'll have all the data.
Well now I can say Disney is woke. They woke up to kiss the ring and bow down to a fucking shit lip.
This feels like patching a damn with bubble gum. They will continue to create their own rules and laws and only follow the ones they want. It's only a matter of days or weeks before the federal courts will be stripped of any real power and Republicans in power at all levels will do exactly what they want without fear of reprisal.
It's great that this was blocked by the courts, but this will not be the end.
Like the short frumpy looking Trump with the long tie.
Tiny little Trump
You don't hire security you buy your popularity. Lower executive pay. Raise worker pay. Remove restrictions on coverage approval. Not saying pay for everything, but don't avoid paying when it's covered.
Improve your status with employees and the public and you didn't have to worry about getting shot in the street.
Unfortunately the klan kicks in my area have easy access to guns, are trigger happy, and have a stand your ground law to hide behind. I might harass a few if I could avoid getting shot.
Stomach yes, but that is an inhospitable environment, directly into the blood stream or even into the subcutaneous tissue and muscles, probably a very good way to get sepsis.
They did say toxins in the butterfly mix and I think it is unlikely that a 14yo would be grabbing distilled or RO water for his secret experiment. Not saying it wasn't something to do with the butterfly, but the water alone may have been enough.
To me those are not mutually exclusive.