And how would giving California more of your monies help slow climates change?
No, I can't argue that. Climate change is a natural system, controlled by the sun. The world is on a scale of millions of years. The global warming folks are only looking at the past thousand years at most. Here is a current article about Neptune, and the sun.
Rich Hall for President.
Global Setting (otherwise account specific)
Don't know if that's it, but worth trying.
Yup, but they think that will get Bruce Willis a job, cause ’mericans are dumb.
Any movement in new directions is what's required for humanity to grow and improve. The dumb folks are convinced we need to go backwards, either to save the planet from temp change or save it from the perceived threat of the rich.
Toilet rant complete.
thats funny. even if you are right of center. sensible conservatives still exist. we are just muted, as the maga folks have hijacked the game.
thanks for the heads up.
Seems racist. When's any other colour to nature happening?