Little known fact: if you install a filter facing the opposite direction specified in the instructions, it becomes a super filter, even preventing the passing of the unwanted dihydrogen monoxide. Discovered this once myself.
Earl really waited too long to fix that one.
Well, if the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy, eh?
I got a woodstove recently and got the same warning about the glass door on the front. Don't clean it with paper towels or it will scratch up the glass. They recommend using newspaper instead.
Probably worse than you think. In 1971, the family income was more often than not achieved by one person working. Now it's usually two.
Make a read only file/folder with the same name and the script should fail. But that is horseshit.
without undie restrictions
That site looks like it is trying to go for the average job listing, which is probably listing the minimum starting pay for the minimum qualification level. And I still can't find a single board that pays that little. The average teacher is likely starting as an A3, since it is hard to get into teacher's college without high grades and a four year undergrad with honours. At any rate, 41K is a gross underrepresentation of average teacher pay.
Here's a pay grid for Toronto (which is not the best paying board) that only goes up to 2021. An A3 started at 56,302. That number will vary maybe up to a couple thousand anywhere in Ontario depending on the board. Your average teacher though has probably been in for closer to 10 or 15 years and is probably A4 unless they did no further education. They make around 100K.
What board pays elementary teachers that low? Most start as A3s and make around 60K with 0 years experience (I looked at York and Ottawa-Carleton). In 3 years, they can take a few AQs, hit A4 and be making north of 80K. The average teacher in Ontario probably has a lot more than 3 years in and makes closer to 100K, and that would still not be accounting for any specializations that would provide a bonus for some. Your numbers look more like starting pay for QECO category A (teachers with no undergrad degree) from 10 years ago.
He may have been trying to install it on a potato or on something atypical. I struggled to get a clean Windows 10 install on a system with an old ASUS motherboard using its RAID controller and AHCI. Support didn't seem to understand the problem, but they were a good sounding board while I figured it out over 3 evenings. By contrast, Windows 11 took all of 10 minutes to install with Rufus on a modern system. Sometimes you just end up with a system configuration that isn't quite supported out of the box by a given OS, and it takes some third party drivers and some intermediary configurations to get things to load before you can get things working properly.
Citizenship is usually determined by where your parents have citizenship or where you were born. In Mexico, if the parent has citizenship, the kids can be nationalized. China could be harder though, if the Chinese parent was an American citizen. I have no idea how they'd treat it if that citizenship was revoked, but the kids wouldn't normally be citizens if a Chinese parent acquired American citizenship and had the kids born as Americans. Normally countries don't get into revoking citizenship because everyone has to have a country or last resort who is obligated to take them. Would be a rough situation to be stuck in. If you have money, you can buy citizenship in a lot of places though. Lots of EU countries allow that too.
Yeah, they announced Friday there was almost 72M left in the fund, so apparently they sold 16K cars this weekend and ran it dry. Except with the cancellation today, dealerships are being told that unless the car was delivered before the announcement, those people aren't getting the credit. Since you usually don't drive away in your car on the day you buy it, it sounds like lots of awkward calls are going out today. TC says they will dole out the remainder on a first come first serve basis, so some may get ot and others won't. I wonder what happens to the money for those who still go through with their weekend purchase without the bonus. Huge windfall for the dealers when they get the rebate and don't tell their customers?