
joined 2 years ago
[–] Gordon 9 points 5 days ago (4 children)

I live my life 400 meters at a time. For those 10 metric seconds or less nothing else matters.

[–] Gordon 3 points 5 days ago (2 children)

I live my life 400m at a time

[–] Gordon 8 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I'd be touching the hell out of that W goddamn

[–] Gordon 8 points 2 months ago

Or put more simply, "fuck you I got mine".

[–] Gordon 13 points 2 months ago (1 children)

The French have a long history of politically motivated violence

[–] Gordon 14 points 3 months ago (1 children)

He can eat my ass lol

[–] Gordon 6 points 3 months ago

While I highly disagree with the concept of turning the office of president into even more of a joke by purposefully electing more celebrities, someone like Nick Offerman or Robert Downey Jr. Would easily be able to defeat just about any Republican candidate just on popularity alone.

[–] Gordon -4 points 4 months ago

The suffering is the point. It's got nothing to do with morals or human rights or the death penalty or abortion or "Christian values". It's all about making "those people" suffer.

[–] Gordon 3 points 5 months ago

Great write up, thank you for that

[–] Gordon 1 points 5 months ago

It's always the redhead. Always.

[–] Gordon 2 points 5 months ago

GNU's Not Unix

[–] Gordon 51 points 5 months ago (8 children)

Haha, LOL, I totally get it, but can someone explain it to my friend? He doesn't get it.


Basically title, this symbol is on the tires of my new (to me) CAAD12. Are the tires on backwards? The right side of the picture is the front of the bike, the left side is the rear. This is the front tire. Another picture below showing which way the tread is facing. The tread "looks" right, it appears it would channel water away from the center correctly.


I got the when travelling abroad for work in Morocco. I paid about 20 USD for them from a street vendor.

Some more pics

bottom view

side view

Cleaning light colored keycaps (self.mechanicalkeyboards)
submitted 2 years ago by Gordon to c/[email protected]

Basically title: What is the preferred or most efficient way of cleaning light colored key caps?

I'm guessing that putting the whole keyboard in the dishwasher is probably out.

Do you all just pull all the keys and clean them with a towel or something in a mild soap solution?

This would give me a good chance to be disgusted by all the hair and junk that accumulates between the keys too, so there's that.

Thanks for the help, and sorry for the newbie question, but someone's gotta ask them.

submitted 2 years ago by Gordon to c/beamng

Mine has got to be the Wydra Boat mod. But mainly because it's fairly broken as is. I spent so much time tinkering with it to get it working better but now it'll do around 40mph on flat water.

I changed the way the prop works so it doesn't stall every time you switch from D to R, I gave it a Neutral gear, I tweaked the values in the "torque converter" to get it to behave more like a real outboard motor would, and I slapped on a turbo for MOAR POWARRRR.

I also shrunk the size of the outriggers (flexbody and JBeam) since they were creating too much drag and slowing me down.

Future ideas? Add the main engine back in and attach the outboard with the trailer hitch slot allowing amphibious travel.

Anyway what are your favorite mods?

Father's Day shot (lemmy.world)
submitted 2 years ago by Gordon to c/[email protected]

Also, I didn't realize how grungy the underside of my espresso machine looked! Going to have to do something about that.


Let's start with the obvious answers, "Just weigh the dang beans", "Just get the single dose hopper", "Just clean more often", and my personal favorite, "Just spend more money".

Now that that's out of the way...

I'm tired of fiddling with my grinder. I started my espresso journey with a cheap steam unit and a whirly blade grinder. The grinder was quickly replaced with an Encore, and the steam toy was replaced with a second hand Gaggia Classic.

After a few years I realized I hated weighing beans every day, and realized that the steps on the encore were too big to truly get the most of my espresso setup so I bought a Sette 270i.

For about a year it worked admirably. I rarely cleaned it, but it never seemed to falter.

However as the 2nd year passed and now the 3rd year is waning, the grinder is becoming more and more finicky.

I should explain that in my mind, the entire point of buying the Sette over the Vario or any of the other stepless grinders on the market was the time based grinding.

I'll always remember when I first got it, I got 18g out in 5.85 seconds.

Slowly it crept up to the 6.5-7 second range but I figure that was normal.

But now in the 3rd year it's taking 10.5 seconds to get approximately 18g out.

Why approximately? Well sometimes it's 16. Sometimes 20. Other days 17.4. Very rarely do I actually get 18.0 grams out.

There doesn't seem to be any trend or logic to it, but whenever it starts to drop down to 16 regularly I figure it's about time to clean it, so I remove the hopper and lower burr and give it a good scrub with the included brush.

The lower burr is never really what you'd call dirty, but it makes me feel like I've done something I guess. Plus, that is always the first thing anyone says to do when you say you are having grinder troubles. Gotta clean it out!

I called Baratza support and they recommended using a lighter roast.

As expected, that shortened the time to get approximately 18g out, but the inconsistency didn't improve, and I was reminded why I don't really like light roasts for espresso.

What beans am I using? Why not use what I used when I first got the grinder? I am. They are from a local roaster, same beans I've been using from the same guy for 8-10 years now. Fresh roasted, I'd call them medium - medium/dark, and $10/lb. No, not $10/12oz bag. Pound. 16 full ounces. And $10 cash. But anyway, the guy is like 80 years old, been roasting coffee in the same building for 60 years or something, I figure he knows what he is doing.

I call back Baratza. They offer to send me a free single dose hopper and recommend I weigh the beans.


Also, what about the inconsistency?

You see, if on one of those days where I only get 16g out, I continue grinding until there is 18g in the portafilter, the espresso machine nearly acts as if I have installed a blank disc. Instead of a shot taking 30ish seconds to pull it may be 50-60 seconds or more. Clearly something else is going on.

Baratza support: "Oh, well when that happens it's because the coffee is getting stuck in the chute and getting reground until it is much finer than normal, you should clean it more often, here watch this video on how to clean"

Me: ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ


I don't want to spend $3000 on a Mahlkonig, and I'm just too skeptical about time-based grinding at this point and too cheap to spend $800 just to try out a Eureka Mignon and hope it's better, so I guess I'll just keep cleaning my Sette unless anyone has a different suggestion.

And thank you for reading all this.


Hey all, so this is the biggest thing I've tried to print. I'm using PETG. I'm getting a lot of repetitive bands of underextrusion that seem to stack up and get worse as the print progresses.

What do you think is causing this? Is this just an inherent thing in the way an Ender 3 works by moving the bed?

submitted 2 years ago by Gordon to c/lemmyworld

Is it possible to have Lemmy only refresh posts when asked? Currently if you sort by "Hot" or "New" it's almost unusable due to the "real time" nature of the website. It would be nice to have maybe a toggle to enable this behavior or maybe have a refresh button at the top / bottom.

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