60 years ago, US citizens could mail order guns to their doorstep and shooting clubs were common place in schools, yet mass shootings like we see today were unheard of. Violence in the US has slowly decreased over time, just as it has in other western countries, but gun violence hasn't dropped at a faster rate than that, which indicates that gun control hasn't impacted gun violence. Increased gun control =/= decreased gun violence.
The European countries that people point to as counter examples to this don't have mass shootings or gun violence because gun ownership is nearly or outright impossible. Gun culture is vilified, self defense is basically illegal, and owning a gun (in countries that allow it) requires so many hoops to jump through that it's hardly worth doing. Some people feel this level of government control is a good thing, but it's inconsistent with the US 2nd amendment.
If the goal is to eliminate gun violence, then guns need banned. The US can't do that without amending their Constitution. Gun control that maintains ownership will never eliminate gun violence, so calls for more gun control will never stop.
In order to maintain gun rights and decrease gun violence, people should ask what changed between now and 60 years ago.
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