
joined 2 years ago
[–] Gompje 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

It wouldn’t, although given we visit each other a lot it would help in way.

But for this I would like to automate it like you suggest. I didn’t think of the vpn way, and that would certainly be possible. Although I fear it would complicate things a bit. That an in our duopoly isp thingie we have have here in Belgium we still have a miserably low and flaky upload of 30mbps. VPN is very slow. It’s on my list to test wire-guard though.

That said: good to hear that simple web hooks seems fairly straight forward. Due to time constraints I haven’t dabbled a lot in automations but this route seems very promising! I think I will now def take that route, al be it with a small server component to handle the forward to their instance. So no vpn and floating ip hassle. Especially on their end.

Probably can build this as an extra service into an existing web app too!

B/c in the end it’s just sending them the data in a certain format it is? I mean it probably is even just a forward call😎 🤔 this sounds more and more the way to go, I could even capture the data in MySQL and let in dept analysis tools loose on it. To learn the tools

Thanks a million! Your insights gave me the direction to move to. 🤗

[–] Gompje 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I'm actually forgetting taking photos all the time, so I doubt my Compendium will ever be filled. The amount of all the items and critters is so overwhelming though, it feels like way to much. Yes I know it suits the world and so on. Maybe it's the fact that the sorting seems off, and for me the sorting resets at random to ..

IDK what kind of sorting. I think it is just that that is overwhelming for me. It will be beter for me with the paper guide I think. at least I can read up a bit

I saw a Youtube vid last that "every game is now so content heavy that you need 100h+ to get somewhere" which is fine in a way, but I do not have that much time to play. Sometimes I really miss what it used to be with the older Zelda's you could play for 1h or maybe 2h and get through a dungeon. Giving a nice feeling of satisfaction and progress: Yes! I have that new weapon now! on to the next!

Now with all the wearing of weapons, the foraging, the vast world.. your lucky you get to your destination in that time. Which is better in this game with the nice cars you can make but still.. ( I do not like horse riding ), Teleporting too. but It somehow feels like this game is meant for people with a lot of free time. and maybe those with less anxiety than I have: just the decision to ditch some weapon for another type you found gives me some anxiety. "keuzestress" we call it in Dutch which translate to "choice anxiety" and that is what is littered throughout the game.

And yet: I still love the game lots. Even if some things really get old very fast: like the guy with the sign. ugh. lol I mean.. 🙄 And yes I sometimes ignore him, just like the Koroks.

[–] Gompje 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Thanks, will do.

After I clean things a bit. after live adjusting tons I to think that 225C will be the good spot. and maybe to 'quality' setting instead of 'speed'. The others have no problem with nice quality prints even on the speed settings, but what you said about the temp change and the reaction of the filament to this aka it being brittle and stuff like that.. maybe its not suitable for faster printing on the Prusa Mini. I will test it again when the MK4 gets here, maybe that will be better.

That said: I do not think I will buy this brand again. hmm and I in fact just did! for the cleaning thing recommended by solarbird! LOL

It just that.. I mean: I'm from the EU, which means the shipping from Prusa is affordable, and ColorFabb too. The last one is actually free for my country. The first was out of the colors I now asap need, the second still has a very very very shitty e-commerce site. but aside from a lot of frustration it kinda worked in the end. with a nice coupon to!

Although given the amount of people who are swearing by esun, maybe when I did dail it in I will change my mind a bit. It does have a good price point. I hope I get it good enough for certain prints and .. secretly hoping: maybe for all .. in a way that I do not have to think ;-)

[–] Gompje 2 points 2 years ago (3 children)

/** For some reason I cannot reply to the more newer posts: This is for @solarbird (who is from kbin so maybe that is an issue atm? idk **/

Thanks @solarbird!

This must be the case then. and somehow this filament has more issues. It threw me off guard because the others where printing still very good. Therefore I blamed the one thing that has changed: the filament brand.

Either way I have, per your recommendation, ordered some cleaning filament from esun. I will run that through and test again. I have ColorFabb coming this week to print the things for my client. And some other stuff in my backlog. Bit pressed for time, and cannot afford to have both printers out of commission. When that is out of the way I will test again for sure and cycle back here.

Again: thanks for the recommendation of the cleaning filament. This will help us to get the Ender back up again to. My dad has printed with wood filament and I do not think he was able to clean it very well.

I do not mind the disassembling things - in fact the opposite - but .. time!.. that is another issue atm.

[–] Gompje 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)


This must be the case then, given others can print fine with this brand and are saying the same thing. somehow this filament has more issues. It threw me off guard because the others where printing still very good. Therefore I blamed the one thing that has changed: the filament brand.

I will clean with cleaning filament first, and then, after the backlog is printed; test it again before I disassemble. Thing is, idk about you, but I kinda got so used that the "mini just prints everything correctly no matter what I throw at it" that it kinda threw me off guard. And I actually lost some insights! Funny how our brain works isn't it? 🤦‍♀️

[–] Gompje 3 points 2 years ago

So far I’m not a fan at all.. I don’t think the stock Prusa mini and this filament are a good match. I had to live adjust a bunch b/c I suddenly had overextension and then under again. I’ve read that others having issues as well, something about the hotend not able to keep up. Maybe it will print better on the newer mk4…

It “prints” now but it’s not the quality I’m used to with Colorfabb or Prusament. Guess I’m going to need to finetune this and use it for more rough, own use, prints. At least it does print now 😙

Let see what the drying of 6h+ will do

[–] Gompje 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I’m now testing with the yellow. That has been dried for 4h.

If I use the default preset from Prusaslicer the problem starts after the first layer. It then cools down from 215, 0 fan - to 210 with 84pt fan. I live adjusted these values, I think I found the sweet spot: it’s very high, I’m now printing at 230 nozzle, 60 bed, 100 speed and 84 fan. I tinkered with the fan some but decided to leave that and upped the temp.

It seems like it was a temp issue after all. I think I got so used to the very good profiles in Prusaslicer, and with the heat/shitty week I couldn’t think straight 🤪

Maybe it’s something with the mini as well that it cools down to quickly for this filament. Could have been a combination: a bit to wet, needing the higher temps, it has now been in the dryer for 4h I will leave the others for 6. (At. 45c) and see if that changes anything.

Either way I’m glad it does print now. Even if the temp to me is very high. That said I’m only used to normal pla and petg. My week already felt better and this tops it as well. Just the thought of the money wasted.. well things where learned so there is that 😉

I will let you guys now for sure! Just talking about this helped a ton! I’m a long time Reddit user but man, I so far I really do love the peoples that moved to Lemmy way more 🤟

[–] Gompje 1 points 2 years ago (3 children)

I thought so first too, but then I tested with Colorfabb and that printed fine. This is what he does now: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1--gi48ZBEKtiFpS5eMzb4E33fSB9xVF2/view?usp=sharing .. perfect printing! I didn't do anything other than changing the filament.

yes it is the same model, but a different file. And I did test this file with the esun as well b/c this economic PLA needs some higher temps. same results.

[–] Gompje 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (5 children)

I tested blue today and this is what the printer sounds like: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1--GQhX2GFcpsEfimN5OlavTZ4QnUrfAd/view?usp=sharing if you look on the right you can see that he imho has no grip on the filament, the blue does not move.

the first layer was ok this time. I first thought it was the speed but when I changed that it's the same after a while. it's like the constant movement that is the issue. grip ? what do you think?

[–] Gompje 1 points 2 years ago (7 children)

My first printer was an Ender v1, gifted it to my dad. I wish it wouldn't JUST have issues with printing (again) so I could try it in that one, but well .. it has been a .. challenging week. That printer is completely out of commission right now. I think the heatwave we have had last week took a victim. at least for now. It certainly not the weather to thinker with him.. and to be honest Idk if I will, given we will invest in an MK4 soon. Think the Ender had has run it's course 🫡

anyway let just hope the drying works. I had such different experience with the colours that I have some hope. I just wish I only bought 1 to start and not .. 5.. 🤦‍♀️

You guys saying "it works fine for me" gives me hope! :)

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