Open up a dispute with your credit card company. The merchant will have to provide a receipt of some type to the bank, to prove a transaction took place
I can probably see a new computer by then... (my car hits 20 next year...) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Thank you. I'm retired, and unlikely to upgrade Office. Ver 2016 still does exactly what I need to do.
I'll keep my router secured, my firewall updated as long as it will, and anti virus /malware up to date.
Serious question : My desktop is incompatible with Win11, I run Win10, and I use it for web browsing, Excel, and a little Word processing. Nothing else. Can't i just continue on as is? Not a gamer, not a heavy user...
Same here. All night. Against my butt, trapping my thighs. And she's like 15 lbs...
I was pleased to hear that Manhattan Transfer added lyrics to Weather Report's Birdland. But I still prefer the original.
Pudding, with their fingers
They didn't have to melt, they softened in the extreme heat. There sure are some idiots out there!
Sequence is a favorite of mine.
Ah, so this isn't tinnitus, I can actually hear the sun!
A year is a tenth of their entire life experience at 10 years old, and even longer the younger they are. A year is only a 60th of my life.
When is a car not a car? When it turns into a driveway!