
joined 7 months ago
[–] Glitterbomb 4 points 1 week ago

Maybe when these guys wash up on shore they can start cleaning up all the crude oil their shitty boats left there last week. (Yeah I know, different sea)

[–] Glitterbomb 5 points 2 weeks ago (7 children)

I'm sorry, what

[–] Glitterbomb 3 points 2 weeks ago

If it's negotiating at 100 base-T then I'm definitely kink shaming

[–] Glitterbomb 43 points 2 weeks ago
[–] Glitterbomb 3 points 2 weeks ago

Strictly talking about safe speed in relation to other traffic, and no mention of road conditions or other factors, I had it explained to me once that speed limits are safe speeds when you're the only one on the road. When there's one other car, the safest speed is the exact same speed as the other car. You will never hit that car if you're both going the same speed (This also implies/requires safe stopping distances because you slow down with them). That's really the heart of it, whatever minimizes possible interactions with other vehicles keeps you safe. It sounds like a duh statement but its where the conversation should be based around - relative speed not actual speed. Once it's more than just you and another car, the safest speed is the average flow of traffic across all lanes. If it's rush hour and the locals are ALL doing 10-over (it definitely happens), you are being unsafe if you are driving the speed limit in ANY lane specifically because every single car on that highway passes you and each passing is an opportunity for an accident. If/when you have to pass in traffic, always try to pass vehicles no faster than 5mph faster than the other vehicle, any faster and you are the definition of 'he came out of nowhere'. That works in the other direction too - if you aren't comfortable with speeding along with the whole highway, try not to be going less than 5mph under the average speed, posted speed limit be damned.

[–] Glitterbomb 19 points 2 weeks ago

The punisher wouldnt do what any of those bootlickers do, but his logo is still on the back of half the police cruisers.

Guess we're even

[–] Glitterbomb 5 points 2 weeks ago

My cat will find the 2 piece of kibble that have been in the bowl 4 hours longer than the rest and set them aside for me

[–] Glitterbomb 9 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

This is the way. Friends think I really like this one bowl. Truth is I like an empty sink, so I force myself to wash it by only owning one bowl.

[–] Glitterbomb 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Considering the recent ruling that Twitter owns all of the account data, he could mean all these losers keep uploading their speech for free.

Your thoughts, your ideas, your speech - it was all free, you gave it away to Elon.

[–] Glitterbomb 26 points 2 weeks ago

The guy is carrying his child in the first photos we see of them invading more land, but sure, it's the Palestinians always using children as shields. Day 1 and he's got his kid front and center.

[–] Glitterbomb 3 points 2 weeks ago

SIM swappers gunna invent a whole new version of swatting

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