All the downvotes are from bakers
Lol your aunt just wanted to fuck Bill Clinton and you turned it into a life lesson on body language.
From everything you've mentioned, it does kinda feel like she escaped and got lost. The b line for a stoop feels like she knew she came from a door that looked kinda like that. Hungry, matted, sick...for a full grown cat that's a good sign they're lost and not feral - feral cats usually have it worked out how to survive. With kittens it's either way, maybe she got separated from her litter instead, from her perspective that's the same kinda lost.
With that said, it sounds like you already tried a few things and I'm not here to say you should do more. Maybe a single flier outside your house just in case it's an immediate neighbor? Otherwise, I'd switch gears and be thinking how to protect yourself from a potential escape artist! Dress up your front porch (she keeps chewing a houseplant inside? Move it to the stoop. Work boots that smell like you? Store them on the stoop) and give her 10 minutes supervised time out on that stoop a few times while she's still a young kitten that you can corral. This way she recognizes the stoop if she's ever trying to find it AND also isn't immediately terrified if she darts out a door and finds herself outside.
Definitely also get that chip, but you already know! She's adorable!
It's sort of in the realm of hypernormalization maybe
I have an old android phone I keep around because it has an IR LED on top and I loaded it with a few free universal remote apps. They all work offline and it's come in handy so many times.
You might not believe me but anyone can just walk into maralargo. Trump won't have you trespassed, he will offer you a cash deal to leave. Trust me, it's true. Ez money.
I just wrote 'thanks for looking out for my boy elon' and signed it Hitler.
Dude at the very least learn what 180° looks like.
I didn't think anything of it when I moved into this apartment, but when the modem had to be replaced the ISP worker handed me the new wifi password when he was done, and I'll be damned if it wasn't another 8 character long hexadecimal password. I couldn't believe it, they might as well not even have passwords. I decided i had to know if they were doing that to everyone in the complex. Luckily I also had around 30 high end videocards mining eth in the apartment. I switched a miner with 7 GPUs from mining to hashcat and had a little fun.
Please don't use 8 digit hexadecimal passwords for wifi, or anything really. It's like using a paperclip for a deadbolt
Speaking of convicted, pretty sure at least two of the FBI agents assigned to investigate him WERE convicted and sent to jail for personally stealing funds from silk road during the investigation. The whole thing was mishandled from the beginning and the people he 'ordered to kill' weren't even real people, they were fake identities created by the same FBI agents that were posing as the hitmen and mishandling evidence. Reeks of entrapment.
Ex smoker, hate the smell.
The only time I legitimately cherished the smell was when I stepped into a portapotty that had previously smelled like death for the entire week. That day though, some hero decided to chain smoke in that thing and you couldn't smell the shit anymore.
We've tried the trees you put on your rear view mirror, we tried cans of febreeze, only cigarettes hide the portapotty smell. Please, Cigarette smokers, be the heros we need you to be