Try and sell it on Pawn Stars
So why aren't loot boxes extortion then? I immediately thought of EA.
How the hell does government interference affect hurricanes?! What the hell am I reading?
You mean he lies about facts? I wonder how does he live with himself.
Back in the day these comics didn't have an issue making overtly racist comments. It wouldn't be the first time that a poignant comic also had some culture issues that we had not yet dealt with.
Because it's usually pointless to anyone that knows how to work on cars. I use the frame. Because it's where I'm going to put a jack and it's faster. The only one I use is on one side of my Camaro to lift it high enough to use the frame on the other side because it's lowered. They may get damaged but it's only use is the side of the road to change a tire.
He is evil. Watch "The Truth vs. Alex Jones". It's eye opening how aware he is of what he is doing.
Can we call him Pizza the Hut already?
They are watching Twitch though. And what game is playing? Doesn't seem to matter.
Pretty hard to find dead people when you don't know where they are buried.
I mean it's funny. In a sad truthful way. So I would say it's a joke.