Yeah, totally getcha, but also wouldnt want to see it lets say displayed on public roads, public parks, public trains etc. I cant really think of a public space that isn't government owned or funded? Not saying things seen public by the way, e.g. a church while driving on a public road... which is obviously on private land, or someones house, while walking past it. But you betcha I wouldnt appreciate scripture on the sidewalk.
I kinda get you, but people dont typically say "Dr MLK Jr the great christian, who was also an activist" in favour of "Dr MLK Jr the great activist, who was also Christian." One defines him, from the context of society that is, more than the other. Instead of splitting hairs though, we have 8 Billion people alive today, and untold historical figures, im sure the curriculum wont suffer if posters about Jesus, Buddha or Mother Theresa aren't on the wall.
Also, hope you dont take the downvotes personally. People are telling you they dont agree with your viewpoint here, not judging your overall character by a single thought.
Is there any amount of religious iconography that is not egregious in a shared public space like a school (school, hospital, library etc)? I'd love to understand where your curiousity is coming from
When a man holds another mans hand, or a woman a woman etc. Doesnt take a genius to infer. Its not "invisible being forced to visible". So instead of pushing the narrative of "just consistently police yourself so that no one knows anything about you" why not push the "mind your own business and dont intrude into peoples lives" one instead? I.e. you can marry, get healthcare, and opportunities for employment regardless?
Also its not "preference" unless you agree that heterosexual people just "prefer" the opposite sex, but can always change if their "tastes shift"
Awesome. Firefighters are also paid quite well and have an on and off schedule. Thanks (sincerely) for the name - Linemen. Couldn't remember it for the life of me.
All labour requires skill, some more, some less. Unfortunately pay doesn't always scale with skill and danger/dislike/inconvenience etc.
Agreed. Now imagine if the people doing the work they don't enjoy, do it because the compensation outweighs the hardship. Rather than creating systems that both compensate disproportionately less for some roles in society AND ensure there is enough labour through coercive means.
Lets say everyone gets free college education, and there is no bias in the system for who gets to work where. No one wants to be lets say.. a technician for utility lines, or work in maintaining sewage systems because there are easier jobs.
Should we a) increase compensation or b) make it difficult for people who work there transition to other work.
Universal healthcare, unemployment income, free education, universal child care, universal housing etc. all undermine the societal ability to keep people at work that is difficult but underfunded.
Starvation is the natural state of the individual. Society separates us from that. You will find that other things are also fairly natural, such as death, disease, and exposure.
"Smells adequate" I.. I just dont know what words would be used to describe an adequate smell.
What's a "real American" and why does their opinion hold objective value?
Wouldnt want people to have any protection from the sun when its hot out
Thanks so much, thats what Im doing right now! Repairing a ship, building a base. So so much fun
There is a difference between cargo/kg of rubber tire. On your bike youre not carrying an external metal framework, liquid resirvoirs filled with liquids, air conditioning units, filters, fans, belts, double inaulated doors etc.
You can make the logical leap that the amount of rubber waste generated per person is likely different in different vehicle types. Cars vs busses, vs personal bikes. And a smart bet would be less per person on a bike vs car, considering both the weight and physical differences - e.g. speed, momentum and required force against the tires to accelerate and stop.