Sometimes there's also the line that goes down at the start of the sprint, because the team still had to finish some dumb busywork to complete a story from the previous sprint.
As far as I was aware it was already gone. Hopefully the new F1 Academy can achieve what the W series could not. They're not exactly off to a good start (at least for me as a viewer), the large amount of races makes it hard to stay invested to me. But on the other hand, it might also provide a lot of experience which would help the women in other series.
Damn that's still a lot more than I thought. Hopefully it sends a message and advertisers and investors start getting annoyed and put pressure on Reddit
Weird meme this one. I'm 100% against tankies, or at least the type of communist here who seems hellbent on defending regimes like the Chinese communist party or (especially weird) Putin's Russia. There's plenty of stuff wrong about western nations, but that is no excuse for defending dictators and authoritarian regimes. And I'm definitely not the angry pepe in the image, because by all classifications I would be part of the "woke left".
Ik was me niet echt bewust van het bestaan van deze trein. Ergens voelt het wel een beetje als geldverspilling en ook een beetje elitair. Aan de andere kant is het wel echt een harde flex om gewoon je bezoek te ontvangen in een een koninklijke trein bij een staatsbezoek. Opzich wel begrijpelijk dat ze er nu mee stoppen, want ik denk niet dat het goede PR voor het koningshuis was geweest om nu een nieuwe trein aan te schaffen
I got mono and COVID in 2020 and since then I'm just constantly tired and also not particularly sleeping well. I had all kinds of specialists looking at it, but unfortunately nothing really worked or gave us a lead. Having a 25-30 min power nap just before lunch is a good strategy to counter a large part of the fatigue tho. As long as I do that most of the days and sleep 8 hours it's pretty okay and I can kinda deal with a full work week. And those power naps are the best. Usually I'm asleep within a few minutes and then I'm completely KO for the 25-30 minutes the nap takes.
Currently using a Nokia 7.2
Best qualities:
- Cheap
- Has a heaphone jack
- Does smartphone things
- Fell like 5 times from more than a meter of height into a stone floor and is somehow still fine (more luck than skill probably)
Worst qualities:
- Not the fastest
- No more updates :(
- Randomly turns off about once every month at night while charging, which forced me to buy a backup alarm
Before this I was using a Moto G5 plus, which was a bit of a quirky phone. Before that I used my Nexus 5, which ultimately started suffering the power button issues. My Nexus 5 is still a backup phone that I use sometimes, and every time I touch it I wish that they'd release a new Nexus 5 just like the old one but with with newer hardware specs and a better battery. I love how light and small it is, I still love the screen, and I love how it looks.
From this you can probably gather that I don't upgrade phones too often. I also don't have any other Android devices. I did at one point dabble a bit into Android development and made a few silly apps, but that's many years ago at this point.
For my PC's I usually use Linux where I can, and Window$ for gaming and music production (because sadly that's the only way to make these things work reliably).
That's massively painful imo. There were many great communities on there that are now inaccessible to us. This is not going to help Lemmy adoption
This change may also be explained because many protestors are still gone. I have barely touched Reddit after the blackout, and the only time I did was to support some of these votes. But inevitably I must've missed some. It's probably a bit of survivorship bias. Though it's probably also partially that people did indeed realize that they can't miss the thing they're addicted to for more than 2 days.
How's this related to tho?
Also works for programming. Source: definitely not me, I swear
I'm fairly dure that doing anything like that will make management's tools just spontaneously combust