
joined 11 months ago
[–] GelatinGeorge 24 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

The second last time I went to a dentist, he told me I had been brushing my teeth wrong. Cool, bought the TeethIoniser5000 plus recommended toothpaste from his suggestion.

Last time I went to the dentist, he told me that I was still brushing my teeth wrong. "But the last guy?"

"Wrong. He was wrong."

Every fucking dentist has told me whatever way I brush my teeth, I'm doing it wrong, so fuck them. Now I just use my finger.

Don't do that, as I have one tooth left I use to open cans.

[–] GelatinGeorge 9 points 1 month ago

A fellow wonk, I see. "They burn to the fucking ground, Eddie"

[–] GelatinGeorge 29 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I'm genuinely thankful you've made it this obvious how much of a fucking moron you are as I can block you immediately and get on with my day.

[–] GelatinGeorge 47 points 4 months ago (3 children)

I can't work out how to upvote this on the app as I have been at the pub. Take this comment as considerable appreciation for this image 🙏

[–] GelatinGeorge 10 points 6 months ago

They would just claim it was to 'make the them look bad' or something similar. That's the beauty of bullshit; it's like a perpetual avalanche. It's overwhelming and incredibly difficult to counter.

[–] GelatinGeorge 4 points 6 months ago

Not quite: it means "yeah, but you're a girl so you would say that to be my friend". Source: I'm terminally Glaswegian

[–] GelatinGeorge 18 points 8 months ago

Socialism wasn't even mentioned, dipshit.

[–] GelatinGeorge 2 points 8 months ago

No worries man! Yeah, they're fantastic

[–] GelatinGeorge 3 points 8 months ago

I don't know why I find this so hilarious.

[–] GelatinGeorge 6 points 8 months ago (3 children)

You might be interested in subvertising which actively works to reclaim the spaces invaded by advertising.

One could, in theory, download the posters and put them up over the relentlessly shite, unasked for adverts that permeate every part of your city. One could even buy a key which opens certain advert spaces - such as bus stops - and replace them with any image of your choosing. Obviously this is illegal and no one would ever do this, however, I assume wearing a hi-vis vest and beanie hat would work surprisingly well when not doing this illicit activity. Also, complain about the hourly rates if questioned and you'll absolutely be left alone.

[–] GelatinGeorge 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Okay, if we're getting serious about it, I'm not sure I agree cruelty scales up alongside intelligence. It's an interesting take, but, as you say, it's an entirely human concept which doesn't really exist outside of our own conceived morality and can't be applied to beings which aren't capable of understanding it.

Put it this way: a cat batting a mouse around isn't considering its actions cruel or even considering its actions in a wider context at all. A human doing the same would be doing both. However, by that logic, animals aren't capable of any other abstract thought such as compassion, empathy and altruism. We are. It might be the case that everything abstract scales up with intelligence which, yes, leads to concepts such as 'cruelty' but also all the other amazing shit humans are capable of.

[–] GelatinGeorge -1 points 9 months ago (3 children)

Sorry man, but I can't stop laughing at you calling an entire animal species 'evil'. Not only that, but 'notoriously evil'. Like there's a chapter in the Bible devoted to the tale of a dolphin riding Jesus up his dead arsehole.

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