Yeah me too I thought it was weird then I saw the name. Still think it's weird though!
This channel is a mirror of that subreddit. I'm not sure what the point is though, so we can read reddit comments without visiting the site?
Hey it doesn't hurt to ask, hopefully if they don't produce the earplugs they might be able to tell you where to go. Good luck!!
I'm not sure but I doubt it. They inject some silicone into your ears with something that looks like a caulking gun, then the mold gets sent off to make the earplugs, which were then mailed to me. Are there places around you that sell hearing aids? They might sell those there. If it's any help I'm in France, so it's definitely possible to get them made in Europe.
The only thing I've found that works well for me are custom earplugs. The silicone ones that look like this:
They were expensive (about €100 for the pair), and I had to go to an audiologist to get them made. I've had mine for over 5 years now and can honestly say they have saved my sanity. I live next to a loud street and it was impossible to sleep without them.
Gorak the Destroyer
Parc Astérix, especially if you like rollercoasters. There are fast pass bundle options for a lot of the main rides as well. Halloween is also a great time to go, they have a bunch of great haunted houses and the park is open after hours.
You can't tell us this story and not tell us how it ends!
I don't know about the physics part, but the picture is taken from this video:
I highly recommend this channel, they have a bunch of funny videos with animal facts.
(Another thing to watch out for is Yugioh! - my son is OBSESSED with the card game and it’s bankrupting us!!! 😆 )
Ha, we have the same issue but with Magic the Gathering. You'll definitely want to keep your son away from MtG if you want to avoid bankruptcy 😭
Ah that actually does make sense!