[-] FooBarrington 6 points 1 week ago

.tar.7z.zip.bz2 gang unite

[-] FooBarrington 1 points 1 week ago

That was pretty much my experience with most of MacOS - you have to pay for many basic features, and pray that the tools have been updated to work on current OS versions.

[-] FooBarrington 3 points 1 week ago

So freedom of speech doesn't exist anywhere? Literally every place has some restrictions.

[-] FooBarrington 2 points 1 week ago

Fuck. RIP Rosa, you were the best otter!

[-] FooBarrington 2 points 1 week ago

More specifically, who the wind is blowing.

[-] FooBarrington 3 points 1 week ago

Not anymore 🥲

[-] FooBarrington 6 points 1 week ago

Why is the father a chairtaur?

[-] FooBarrington 1 points 1 week ago


[-] FooBarrington 5 points 1 week ago

When space expands, everything inside is stretched, including light. When light is stretched, its wavelength decreases (= redshift). So you just measure how much lower the light frequency is than you'd expect :)

[-] FooBarrington 2 points 1 week ago

Threat Level: Midnighter

[-] FooBarrington 10 points 1 week ago

Oooooh boy, you're in for something. Amazing guy. I rewatch his Pathologic video bimonthly

[-] FooBarrington 3 points 1 week ago

I don't think they'd wipe us out. If they're clawing at your door to come in and get you, you'll just have to open it - the zombie cat will just walk away

submitted 9 months ago by FooBarrington to c/doom
submitted 9 months ago by FooBarrington to c/berserk
submitted 9 months ago by FooBarrington to c/berserk

I'm really interested in trying to get more information about Void, and one angle I haven't read much about is this: does the amount of people sacrificed, and their strength, influence the power of the resultant godhand member?

There definitely seems to be some kind of correlation between sacrifices and power, since Slan states in chapter 82: "It's ironic though. The stronger his life force and the greater his anguish, the more they become precious bread for the new life of darkness". From this we can at least deduct that a strong sacrifice makes the new member stronger than a weak sacrifice.

Now the question is: shouldn't this mean that Void is much, much more powerful than Griffith currently is? After all, he sacrificed not just a band of mercenaries (who have some very strong members, albeit only few due to the year before), but an entire kingdom. I do think the average sacrifice was much weaker for Void (as they were most likely not warriors, but intellectuals), though it's difficult to say since we know very little about his eclipse. But nonetheless I definitely think there is some correlation here.

This of course leads to some interesting possibilities for what Griffith is currently up to. Is he planning to somehow ascend further by making another, much bigger sacrifice? Do the godhand members have a hierarchy which he is trying to climb (almost certainly)? Could he be trying to surpass the Idea of Evil itself?

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by FooBarrington to c/berserk

I'm re-reading the manga right now. During the Eclipse, we see the brand placed on a number of hawks, each in a different place (link to the panel):

  • Casca gets it on the left side of her chest, roughly over her heart

  • Guts, of course, has it on his neck

  • Judeau gets his on the palm of his left hand

  • Pippin has it on his forearm

  • Corkus gets his on his forehead (just like the bodies below the tower of rebirth)

I can make an argument for each of them to have gotten it on whatever they most rely on, except for Guts, I can't make a concrete argument why it's his neck.

But what I'm really interested in is this: can we learn anything about the bodies from Gaiserics kingdom from this? It might be that the population of his city wasn't made up of fighters and physical people at the time it was sacrificed, but of thinkers, or at least people who rely more on wit and cunning than on strength (positive or negative). This would make sense considering the technological and social advancements they seem to have made.

What do you guys think?

submitted 9 months ago by FooBarrington to c/asklemmy

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