You got that backward. Republicans have stupid constituents, and the democrats have a stupid party. Republicans have been playing the long game and reaping the rewards of decades worth of planning and posturing. Democrats can't agree on a vision. The democrats strength is also their biggest problem. They're a big tent party that's inclusive to all and all ideas. In practice, that means they lack a single vision to fight for and never long-term plan. If they quit focusing on the fringe and instead focused on the class war, they could have that singular, uniting vision.
That's why ASIL exists. As someone who only very briefly was introduced to that world, I actually think this is the only cool part about the Cybertruck. Every other manufacturer is stuck on that 12v system because of the ancient OS they use. Tesla decided to write their own. Many other companies are working on competitors. I briefly got to play around with Red Hat In Vehicle Operating System (RHIVOS), which is very close to getting its safety rating.
Yeah, I agree with all that. Obviously, there isn't a truly 1:1 alternative go the F35. I'm just saying that the Gripen is a strange choice for Canada when looking for an F35 alternative. The Gripen makes a lot of sense for a small county, strapped for cash that needs an interceptor more than anything, like Ukraine.
So, I'm supposed to drive an older, less safe car without the features I want? I'm supposed to keep using an ICE? No thanks.