NAH (excluding cheating obviously)
Having gone through a very similar situation, I'll just say that I don't know if there's a right answer - I think they'd find out eventually, but a few years to let it fade would've hurt their relationship with their mom less
And unless she sucks as a mother, that isn't going to make their lives easier.
At the same time, maybe hearing it from her will make it easier to move past it, or maybe they would have blamed both of you and tainted both relationships... Who knows?
I would've told you to wait until they had a little more life experience to temper the blow, but it's a judgement call. Neither option is right or wrong - they didn't necessarily need to know, but it is also the truth behind an event that will change the course of their life.
You're their parents, and your only responsibility towards them is to do what's best for them. Even if I had all the facts, it's not obvious what that is - it's a judgement call
Hahahaha...he didn't start Tesla or spaceX
He did sue the founders of Tesla, the settlement demanded they refer to themselves as "co-founders" and not publicly refute him calling himself the founder.
There's speculation that the spaceX founders signed a similar NDA, but the company existed before him, and their goal was always scaling up spaceflight
Musk is good at two things, fundraising from Uncle Sam, and hype. And he did those well, and if he stuck to that I'd still be singing his praises... Except he hasn't.
He's not a smart man technically - a decade ago I first read a post-mortem about how he was booted from the company that bought PayPal (and put him on the map when they sold it, as he still had shares). They kicked him out for utterly failing to build a payment platform as he promised, then pushing they switch everything from Linux to Windows, refusing to understand that was impractically difficult (and just a bad idea, even Microsoft runs Linux on their servers now). He kept pushing this and being distributive, and so they threw him out
Every time he's tried to start something, it failed - he can't build a team to save his life.
He's good at hype and having money, I used to say "he's a billionaire who read a lot of sci-fi growing up... That's not the worst thing to be".
Now? He's convincing people his abusive management strategies brought this success, but those teams were long formed by people who deeply care about the future of humanity. They're driven, intelligent, and passionate people - did they succeed because of him, or in spite of him?
I can't say for sure, but I can say for sure that they could've done this with someone else at the helm, but he couldn't have done it from scratch