
joined 2 years ago
[–] FlaxPicker 9 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

The aliens have been living here with us all along.

[–] FlaxPicker 2 points 1 year ago

Stayed with Kittle and got a solid 12.5. Appreciate the advice!

[–] FlaxPicker 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I have both rostered, should I start Kittle or La Porta for week 3?

Kittle has been letting me down, but la porta has been doing work on my bench. Im scared if i switch it up now, kittle will finally pop off.

Kittle vs LaPorta [TE] (self.fantasyfootball)

I have both rostered, should I start Kittle or La Porta for week 3?

[–] FlaxPicker 11 points 1 year ago

The irony comment is referring to them making that statement while on reddit.

[–] FlaxPicker 14 points 1 year ago

Where did you read that funds are based entirely off that specific earthquake news coverage?

[–] FlaxPicker 14 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Spoken like a true ttrpg player.

[–] FlaxPicker 19 points 2 years ago (1 children)

As a fan of the dinosaur era of power rangers, mastodon was one of the coolest to me.

[–] FlaxPicker 1 points 2 years ago
[–] FlaxPicker 73 points 2 years ago (14 children)

Seems like the commercial real estate collapse has a lot to do with it too.

[–] FlaxPicker 4 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (1 children)

Nobody is saying you are racist man, theres always going to be minority subsets of humanity with controversial opinions. Stop letting the algorithm rage bate you and make you think that everyone thinks you are a terrible person for being a white male. For every video you see like that, there are thousands of people from any race that don’t think like that. You need to just detox from the internet for a while. And i say that sincerely, it will help your mental health a lot. its helped me in the past too.

[–] FlaxPicker 2 points 2 years ago

Yea.. been there, done that. lmao

[–] FlaxPicker 9 points 2 years ago (3 children)

At face value everyone can be “proud” of their race i guess. I do think its kind of weird to be proud of something you didn’t earn or achieve. Its like a substitute way to feel pride when you haven’t personally accomplished anything.

I’m proud of the fact that I try my best to be a kind and sincere person, have worked hard towards a degree and career and personal relationships have been maintained. Im proud of the skills I have developed in my favorite hobbies… etc

A black woman saying she is proud to be black or a woman, in the context of the united states, is really a reaction to feeling lesser than white people or men. They are saying to the society they live in, that they won’t feel shame for being who they are. Especially when groups of white men who feel “pride” in their arbitrary race and sex they just happened to be born in use it to put others down instead of lift people up.

Its okay to be proud to be a white man, if you are a good person then theres nothing you should feel guilt over. But saying it as a reaction to a black woman saying she is proud just seems a little insecure.

Sailing Blog: Lore & Integration (secure.runescape.com)
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by FlaxPicker to c/2007scape

Not a karma whore, and its not the end of the world, but i just noticed my post score dropped down to 0 today.

Checked it in wefwef app too and its showing the same bug. Curious if any others here have noticed this as well?


This is mostly a question for the developers here.

What makes some links show an image vs others that don’t?

When I navigate to ones that don’t, the web pages have images.


I see the person silhouette with the heart, im assuming that is the subscriber count, but what is the eye symbol representing?


The development speed of the Memmy app from just a few weeks back has been lightning fast. I absolutely love how far it has come in just a short time and just based on the issues raised on github and responses from the devs, theres a lot more in store to improve the app.

Maybe not everyone is aware, but one of the original developers of one of Memmy’s “competitor” apps Mlem stepped away from the project today due to burn out and feeling like their contributions weren’t good enough compared to more experienced devs that had joined. They were also apparently getting mean dms from users complaining about the app.

Just want to thank the devs here for all the work they are doing and remind them that they don’t owe us shit. If you need to slow down for something in life that happens or just need a break, then do it. Well still be here adding issues and improvement ideas and enjoying the app.

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