
joined 2 years ago
[–] FireRetardant 3 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

Morning math no good. 9, 25 grams slices is possible

[–] FireRetardant 2 points 3 hours ago (5 children)

You could divide it into 11, 25 gram portions.

[–] FireRetardant 11 points 3 days ago

Calls an emergency election in order to re-elect himself. Party proceeds to not provide a platform until the very last few days of voting. The overall provincial government sees very little change with low voter turn outs again

Why is he allowed to call an emergency election without significant reason? If justfiied, wouldn't an emergency election have a relatively high voter turn out? How can the party that called for an election not have a platform published day 1? How is a guy who is currently being investigated by the RCMP for corruption even allowed to run until thats cleared up?

[–] FireRetardant 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Maybe ndp would have more than 5% of the vote if people picked the candidate they actually want instead of voting strategically.

[–] FireRetardant 6 points 4 days ago

Everyone is so concerned about healthcare and housing costs then they go and elect the guy that wants to privatize healthcare and demolish rent control and renters rights

[–] FireRetardant 4 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Yea mine dipped down and got caught in between the chain and gears once

[–] FireRetardant 8 points 4 days ago (8 children)

I heard so many people say "i like the NDP but i have to vote liberal or my vote is useless." I say the number of NDP seats is proof that thinking is flawed. It may not have stopped the conservatives from winning but new ideas and fresh faces to fight for them can be progress.

[–] FireRetardant 4 points 4 days ago

The problem is people don't actually realize the harm. They hear carbon tax on the radio and assume it hurts them finnancially without considering the rebate. They own a home so they don't care about rent control, until in 2 years they can't afford a college apartment for their kid. They hear some fat oaf tell them a 60 billion dollar tunnel will fix traffic with more lanes bro and they believe it.

[–] FireRetardant 2 points 6 days ago

Youth cannot vote and are often too young to realize just how valuable a free public education is (assuming that education is adequately funded). Its very important to vote in the interests of youth because they literally have no voice pollitically otherwise. As adults we can be quick to forget that we were once the youth going through school, and one day those youth may be caring for us in our old age.

[–] FireRetardant 3 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Do you have any data or proof to back up your claim that private vehicles are safer than buses in your city? Buses running tires that slip could also be a symptom of underfunding, not an inherent flaw in buses. My car would slip too if i kept summers on it instead of quality winter tires. Buses tend to be much higher off the ground and much larger than everything else on the road, unless the bus rolls over most passengers would walk away with minor injuries in a collision.

[–] FireRetardant 3 points 6 days ago (1 children)

This comment thread is about how cars shield you from the weather. I'd also rather tram part way and bike the rest if the conditions are nasty out.

[–] FireRetardant 12 points 6 days ago (7 children)

Id rather be in a tram on rails in snowy conditions than in a private vehicle thats subject to slippery conditions and other vehicles hitting it. The tram if hit often has more mass and survives the hit better than a sedan would.


I've been having some minor issues with comments. Once a comment thread gets longer than 3 or 4 comments, accesing those deeper comment chains becomes very inconsistent/impossible. The "view more" button to see the rest of the comments will sometimes just disappear or do nothing when pressed. When accessing deep threads from my inbox or profile it will start at the top of the comment thread and fail to load/access the deeper comments, including the comment I used to navigate to that thread. Has anyone else had similar issues or found solutions?


The past couple updates whenever I'm browing "all" with sort set to "hot" the first few pages of scrolling is accurate but then it turns to posts that are 6months-2years old. This is only after 1-2 minutes of scrolling. Has anyone else had this issue?

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