A special kiss
joined 2 years ago
I had no idea it was this bad in the UK. Fucking hell.
Solidarity with Portland teachers who struck tonight!
Why did you have to post this?
sigh unzips
Sounds like they’re promoting a magic queer trope.
I’m all for self-belief, but humility still has to enter the equation.
That’s some next level nazi shit.
In three years, this comment will be enough to put me in the gulag.
!remindme 3 years
It wasn’t his day. Tomorrow’s not looking good either
I’m mildly encouraged that they still care about votes?
Guess they’ll have to gerrymander harder.
That little man is creepy as fuuuuuuuuck
It’s a multinational crime syndicate masquerading as a political party.
Frank with the inside source on that brown acid