Use an open source option instead? Open source is a public good.
Maybe he should conserve Russia's energy and get the fuck out of Ukraine.
You might be surprised: Hunting in the US alone generates 12 BILLION dollars a year in taxes alone (not including any other outdoor activity, license fees, or related revenue).
Public parks generate over 200 billion all by themselves every year, these are only parts of the equation too.
The more you look into it, the more you realize that, holy shit, this stuff generates a fuckton of revenue for the government (never mind all the other benefits it has).
Even if nobody gave a single fuck about the environment or humanity's future, the financial benefits alone are a very compelling argument (unless, you know, these aspects are ignored because politicians are in the pockets of oil companies)
I love how corporate handouts to already insanely wealthy companies are cool, but paying for shit like healthcare and housing for our own people gets decried as communism or some other silly bullshit.
It would be cheaper in the long run to fund initiatives like that (never mind it would be the Christian thing to do, despite opponents of such things loudly claiming to be Christians). Instead, we prop up corporations that get to privatize profits while the public often pays for their mistakes and losses.
Did she not know about adoption either?
Well, that is mind-blowingly awful.
Isn't this just that "boofing" that United States Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh is rather fond of? What's the problem?
Can tax or charge for other things like hunting licenses, equipment, ammo, guides, camping permits, etc.
"No! We hate free money that doesn't even extract resources!"
-Wyoming's stupid ass