Dr. Dunning? Meet Dr. Kruger.
Dr. Kruger? Dr. Dunning.
Dr. Dunning? Meet Dr. Kruger.
Dr. Kruger? Dr. Dunning.
Holy shitballs, that scalding is gonna require debridement and skin grafts.
Also colloquially known as “ass radar”
Rankled is a kind of default status of most conservatives, and the way I most prefer them to be.
I like them to be discomfited too.
And stilted. Stilted is nice.
Isn’t there some other unwitting society she can inflict her astoundingly repellent self upon?
although it could have been better with a less two-dimensional Maturin.
You must admit that in the books Maturin is the most compelling and well-explored personality, and the character POB most closely identifies with (finding based solely on personal assumption, mea culpa).
I would assert that the film, as good as it is, reinforces my thesis that the golden age of sail is the least adaptable to film of any literary genre. The movie is to the books as a description of the Grand Canyon is to the actual experience.
Also they are “studding sails” and referred to colloquially as “stun’sl’s” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Studding_sail
So there.
There is no spoon, but there is a fork.
Perhaps the possibility exists that some of those neurodeficiencies were merely heightened/made more apparent in those that refused a vaccine for political reasons in the first place?
I lol’d