
joined 2 years ago
[–] EntropyPure 12 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Mayhaps, I don’t have an equivalent table comparing all the services here to others in the world 😅

[–] EntropyPure 48 points 1 year ago (5 children)

There were various secret meetings that became public afterwards. From plans to storming the Bundestag like Jan 6 and the Capitol to meetings with far right Nazis that are on watchlists of the local secret service, the Bundesverfassungsschutz.

Latest meeting was on the topic of „How to deport political opponents and immigrants after seizing the political system“ which not only featured known Nazis but members of the CDU Conservative Party (Merkel‘s Crew).

That was the drop too much that ignited the whole protest we see now. And it is well overdue if you ask me

[–] EntropyPure 2 points 1 year ago

Yeah, read online before watching it and how it bombed on its initial weekends. Honestly? I don’t get the hate. It was an enjoyable movie with interesting topic at heart. But those topics were not in the marketing, only the romance bit. Shame, but glad word of mouth kinda saved the box office run.

[–] EntropyPure 1 points 1 year ago

Oh, understood. Thanks for clearing that up.

[–] EntropyPure 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I am a bit confused. On my Latitude laptop running Debian, the BIOS is updated with apt or the Software Store? What is Debian doing differently here?

Works like a charm too, done several BIOS and Firmware updates and no problems at all.

[–] EntropyPure 42 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

That win is important, but Sony already sued Quad9 in Italy just this week. It’s one battle won, but not the war.

In Italy they demand the same, blocking certain sites used for torrenting.

[–] EntropyPure 3 points 1 year ago

Pretty happy with Debian Testing. Frequent updates but still very stable and rock solid.

[–] EntropyPure 9 points 1 year ago

Documentation, for personal reference. Stuff I rather not reinvent down the line.

Could set up a wiki, but I like the flexible nature of Obsidian.

[–] EntropyPure 3 points 1 year ago

This is the closest to a rolling Debian release, and I really like it. It’s basically the next major release for Debian, Updates are plenty and the packages much newer than in the stable, though not bleeding edge.

Best of both worlds IMHO

[–] EntropyPure 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Ja, NRW ist ja auch ehemals UnityMedia Gebiet, den Bridge Mode gibts hier glaub ich noch nicht wirklich lange. Vielleicht machen die auch Dinge anders als im früheren Kabel Deutschland Gebiet, wo es den schon seit Ewigkeiten gibt.

[–] EntropyPure 2 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Das mit dem CGNAT kann ich nicht bestätigen. Im Bridge Mode habe ich an der FritzBox die selbe IPv4 Adresse anliegen, wie sie auch von z.B. wieistmeineip.de ausgegeben wird.

Wäre ein CGNAT dazwischen, müsste da ja irgendwo eine andere Adresse zwischen hängen. Im Router Modus war das bei der Vodafone Station auch definitiv der Fall. Seit der Umstellung ist das nicht mehr so.

[–] EntropyPure 1 points 1 year ago (5 children)

Bin bei VF Kabel in NRW, da war es zuletzt problemlos möglich an der Hotline den Bridge-Mode inklusive vollwertigen Dual Stack aktivieren zu lassen.

Die Vodafone Station ist sicher kein Router Traum, regelmäßigen Neustart braucht die hier aber nicht. Betreibe ne FritzBox dahinter, die IPv4 wie v6 Richtung Internet macht. Außer am Preis habe ich nichts zu meckern.

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