No server is. All of them are imperfect. However world is better than hex or grad. It is a simple fact. Regardless of whether you like it. Granted it is a low bar. Being heavily devoted to a heavily disproven ideology sort of puts you on the back foot to start with. But leninists have never let that stop them. But we absolutely do get a mix here on world since it isn't an echo chamber. Leninists and fascists alike.
Authoritarians are authoritarian first. Left or right is an afterthought. No horseshoes required.
Certain authoritarian ideologies and well, ideologies in general. Depend on rejecting ideas and evidence. Ideologies are ideal, but not real. So it tends to devolve into shouting and name calling. Leninists hypocritically haranguing liberals and vice versa etc.
I would definitely be down for some anarco communism. But I think it's offensive to repeat the misnomer that ML is communism. Or ever has, ever will lead to communism. Anyone who looks to enact change through brutal, murderous suppression via a vanguard party. Could hardly exude a more juvenile thinking vibe. That "it's okay/good when we do it" BS.
I must have misremembered lemmygrad then. Same difference. I've encountered hexbears on other servers. It's one of many reasons I don't log into for instance. Well more that their hardware is overloaded. But federation with grad and hex is still a good reason.
Thankfully those of us on world have not had to deal with them for the better part of a year. There's so much wrong there it's kind of hard to know where to begin.
All I will really say for now is that they are perfect anti advocates for the things at the surface level they advocate for.
You asked if this was the sort of decision a child should be making. Showing you have no clue about how these decisions are made. And then implied that it was child abuse. Showing that you are being disingenuous with your concern.
They don't just let kids decide this on their own. The kid has to want it. The guardians have to consent, and doctors have to decide there's reason for it. They don't just do it for "funsies". And even then until they are an adult nothing permanent or irreversible is done.
I dunno. I think as a dead person he will hurt a lot less people than he did while he was alive. So that's a personal Improvement for him. But you know what they say. Never speak ill of the dead. He's dead, good.
Trump pardoned all his buddies at the end of his last term. Biden's not breaking any precedence.
It at least would be a definite Fresh Start.
We really need to update our state motto. We stopped being the show me state a long time ago. It should either be, you can't show me. As in we have no interest in knowing. Or the show you state. As in we'll show you stupid.
Just so long as he is not a legless Legolas. I don't think they would cover that either.
Only if you have a juvenile concept of political Spectrum. That only extends across one dimension. Leninists are barely nominally left-wing. In practice most of them are State capitalist and not at all left wing.
In practice social Democrats and even Democratic socialists tend to be more left-leaning than leninists. And don't feel a reactionary need to Slaughter or imprison those that disagree with them regularly. I mean if we are going by the providing social benefit to your chosen class of people qualifies a socialism. Then that would make the Nazis socialist. Which they most definitely we're not.