That's Master Chief after he was ~~abducted~~ adopted and Dr. Halsey
This type of dialog always reminds me of Toki Wartooth's way of speaking
Good points, but an important thing to consider is the Jedi - Obi-Wan and Yoda included, Yoda especially - were so caught up in their own hubris that they allowed all these events to transpire in their faces. The rise of the Empire didn't cause this to change, as evidenced by your points that Yoda and Obi-Wan lied to Luke until they realized they couldn't anymore. Plus, they did the same to Anakin and Ahsoka in different situations during the Clone Wars - while they all were still part of the Jedi Order. So I'd say the surviving Jedi barely changed in that regard. But my point was, Obi-Wan never fell to the dark side as Anakin did - despite having gone through worse for longer.
Personally, I hope future Jedi are more pragmatic / Grey in their approaches, similar to Qui-Gon or Dooku before his fall. I think if more Jedi had been like that, Palpatine would not have been able to be as opportunistic as he was. Btw, thanks for engaging in this lol I'm a sucker for it all
Man, just thinking of the mental anguish that Obi-Wan went through in his adult life. He suffered just as much as Anakin, if not more - yet he never fell from his path. After seeing his love interest murdered by the former Sith - who killed his mentor in front of him - he thought he killed, he went a literal decade in exile thinking he killed his best friend, who was complicit in the deaths of thousands of their fellow Jedi and friends, over something that could have been avoided if they didn't inadvertently play into Palpatine's umbrella of schemes nearly every time.
Then he found out Anakin was still alive, and actually responsible for all of the behind-the-scenes action of the Empire.
Edit: to give credit to Anakin, he was a teenager when he began being fully groomed by Palpatine. Given that Palpatine was one of the strongest force users in all of known galactic history, I think Anakin would have been an extreme Grey Jedi at worst if he wasn't manipulated by the Dark Lord of the Sith
Each episode of Kenobi, and the show as a whole, seemed like it started with a great idea that just got worse the more they drew it out. Anytime I rewatch it, I skip through any scene that isn't mostly Vader or Anakin / Vader and Obi-Wan.
Just give me a PG-13 or MA-rated miniseries - that isn't afraid to test the limits - about Vader in his prime. I want to see "All I'm surrounded by are dead men," energy on screen.
Facebook users typically skew older, so people that are more likely to have established careers, larger spaces and yards to work on. I feel like a lot of Redditors and Lemmings are young and live with parents or in apartments, and are thus less likely to have a yard to care for.
That being said, anyone with a deck or porch can pot a plant or two to try and help local pollinators.
Yes, because the incentive to work would not be as high if you can receive $30k/yr, but only $3/hr working food service. But, if they receive $30k/yr plus $20/hr (or whichever number is appropriate for COL in the province/area), then people are more likely to work - and do so productively. This then encourages economic growth through money changing hands and being taxed.
Minimum wage is great for welfare, but economic well-being is not quite the only goal of minimum wage; it also serves to encourage people to join the workforce over alternatives, and to spur economic activity.
Both could be achievable - it doesn't have to be one or the other
I think you underestimate how much energy most commercial offices / buildings use compared to a house.
Most companies that sell products do this in some form. The only thing that's secret about it is the particular process and code, since that's confidential company info.
A few years ago I remember speaking with a Walmart GM about this sort of thing, and they mentioned how their site in their region would receive price updates after their volume, revenue, staffing, supply chain logistics to their site, etc., were analyzed. Admittedly, I don't know if they had real analysts or machine learning, or a mix of the two (likely both, since it was 5 or 6 years ago).
A key point to this is that most businesses selling things buy most of their products from suppliers, who have their own pricing mechanisms - which causes downstream businesses to adjust accordingly.
Duchess Satine, Ruler of Mandalore. She appears intermittently during the Clone Wars show. Anakin and Obi-Wan kinda had a thing for independent women in power lol