That he is creepy, and behaving like a peace of shit is however definitely not untrue. I can appreciate that in an interestingz well written character however. He is pretty transparent however. Gale on the other hand I can stand less, since he resonates badly with me and I don't trust him. I a still interested in his story though.
He is a person I would avoid in real life most likely. However in a game where I can be many shades of grey and safely make bad decisions (like letting a vampire in my party because I see the victim in the predator) and can act like I have no ego, he is an extremely interesting character and if you understand his whole Story he is very well written.
Very interesting read
This picture seems to be from Animorphs by Applegate. Those where good old times. What a crazy book series.
My dudes!
Please explain. Add means make older.
This is great
Cool However dont make a red panda a Firefox please.
I mean Netflix has the community and producers thing and all but starting charging money for shared accounts and offering a cheaper version with adds is not really enshittificstion to me.
The deliver a service I pay for. That's ok.
Good old times
So like pizza essentially.