Everyone here assumes that midnight=12a.m. is valid everywhere but in a lot languages this is not the case (German and French just to name two). So maybe this is just something weird English speaking people do...
I still have Google Listen on my first Android phone. Maybe I can go back...
The dinosaurs tried it millions of years ago but they missed it...
I also don't want to compile my C++ code myself. I'm pretty happy with letting a compiler do it's job...
Deswegen ist es immer wieder wichtig diese Menschen daran zu erinnern, dass sie diese Ablehnung auch groß auf ihren Wahlschein schreiben müssen und alle Parteien, die sie nicht wählen wollen mit ungültig markieren müssen.
I was really surprised by Titanfall 2. Looks like an ordinary mech shooter (okay there is nothing ordinary about that these days), but the story was solid and the level design amazing.
Nein, das ist das kleine Stück Land zwischen NRW und der Nordsee und der ehemaligen deutsch-deutschen Grenze.
Space and time are the same thing in the end.
So...you proved you don't have any idea. For illnesses like COVID-19 it is key for a vaccine to be applied to as many people as possible to make it harder - in the final consequence impossible - for the disease to spread.
I'm calling it now: Fry and Leela will become parents this season.
Das sind dann schon mal zwei Geschäfte in denen ich nicht einkaufen werde...
The good thing is that the party will soon split up because they all want to be number one...