What happens when the only way to seat a family together is to break up another family. What if you need to separate a couple who is engaged and traveling together?
100 is just the average. Most people score within 15 points in either direction of the average. The point being that 2 digit IQ occurs in about half the population. That said, his 79 still means he is dumb.
It isn’t always that they don’t know what they want, sometimes they just don’t know how to describe what they want, or they may know what they don’t want.
From what I could find, she isn’t eligible to run until she is 35. https://www.usa.gov/requirements-for-presidential-candidates#:~:text=The%20U.S.%20Constitution%20states%20that,United%20States%20for%2014%20years
That says anyone who meets the requirements can declare their candidacy.
7th amendment provides for a jury trial in common law. The 6th provides for a jury in criminal cases.
My mind immediately started singing Queen when I saw this picture. “Fat bottom girls you make the rocking world go round.”
With those eyes, it might have been weed.
Ooooh, now plot the avg wage across this period. Y=min wage.
Yes. The fact that you vote or not, is a matter of public record. How you vote is not a matter of public record.
The are you sure message is your parents and peers looking at you like you are stupid.
Would be nice to see the faces of those proud boys showing up at school board meetings too. If they realize that, expect the bill to die quickly.
Firefox, notepad ++, PuTTy