Every single "ethic" or "morality" that Republicans have "fought" for, is immediately thrown out the window if there's a party vote.
Hint: It's always a party vote.
Every single "ethic" or "morality" that Republicans have "fought" for, is immediately thrown out the window if there's a party vote.
Hint: It's always a party vote.
The cracker boss man done fucked up. Some new barrels for the crackers should do it. They'll even have loyal cracker programs.
"cracker" is a term used for slave owners on horseback 'cracking the whip' on the backs of slaves. Possibly analogous to a modern CEO that pays slave wages. Like half minimum wage to server staff.
Not head of 'election integrity', they're the subject matter expert on election integrity, working to destroy all election integrity for the benefit of the RNC.
Like if Sony had a head of piracy. They wouldn't be a pirate, but they'd know about pirates, and would be working to destroy, imprison, and fight actual digital pirates. For the benefit of Sony.
That's the argument. On one side it's "Here's a heap of statistics, and testimonials from Vets about how this breed was bred for fighting and is extremely dangerous to humans" and on the other side:
"Says the guy who probably tortures animals".
So, of course it's nasty. People who have actually been attacked by pitbulls, mauled and disabled by them, are fighting fucking morons. Really, really stupid people that care more about dogs than humans.
It's funny because the fictional abrahamic god is a genocidal cunt.
Dogs are a responsibility that never, ever stops until you're dead or they are.
This jerk kisses the ass of hate religious groups because they forced artists to paint pictures only of their bullshit religion for a thousand years. Screw this jerk, and screw that religion.
"But the crucifix has such pretty blood running down the side of the dead guy impaled onto it! So pretty!". What a nutjob.
They shouldn't allow hate museums about hate books that teach people it's OK to hate, because of religion.
What a waste of time, effort, and money. That's what religion is. Just a waste.
"Sorcery items". They're so backwards, they're worried about people casting spells. Just another way that religions harm society. It apparently turns them into complete idiots.
No. She's disqualified for hurting people to bring them closer to god. She's a religious terrorist cunt.