That liqueur sounds interesting. I think I have an affinity for things that sound wonky to most people I know. Petrochemical smells in Islay scotch? Fantastic. The funky hot garbage/burnt electronics of pot still Jamaican rum? Awesome. The sensation of making out with a spruce tree some gins have? Delicious.
Ammonium chloride covered black licorice is better than sugar coated high-fructose corn syrup.
Salty licorice is so delicious. Last time I hit up the international store I found smoked salted licorice and it basically turbo crack to me. The only reason I haven't rushed back and cleared the shelf is it's like $10 a 120 g bag.
Given the state of data harvesting I imagine purchasing a list of phone numbers associated with a given demographic is trivial.
I love winter. Cold, dark, and snowy are my jam. To be fair this may be an ingrained coping mechanism from growing up in Alaska.
I’m actually really surprised that males / females are born at close to 50 / 50.
A population in which births are overwhelmingly female means those who give birth to males have an advantage in passing down their genetic material. In your scenario a man will likely have more descendants than a woman, so genes that arise promoting male children would be favored. If you reverse the ratio and the population is overwhelmingly male then being female gives you an advantage and genes promoting female children would become favored. So you get a tug of war that balances out at roughly 50/50. This is known as Fischer's principle.
One of my stranger experiences as a cashier was watching someone waiting to be checked out change their mind and start trying to abandon some ground beef among the candy bars at the checkout. Apparently handing it over to me didn't occur to them. At least when I pointedly offered, "If you don't want that I'll take it." they handed it over.
It was a simplistic grescale scenario devoid of unnecessary features. Think a simple and fast 3D render from the 90s or something. So everything was grescale, the person had no gender (or even features), and pushed a baseball sized sphere on a simple rectangular table made of indeterminate materials. Now I can picture something more detailed if required or desired but my mind focused on the mechanics of it all and kept details to a minimum. Asking for these details afterwards doesn't generate them retroactively.
From a recent vacation:
I enjoy trying limited time flavors (of various brands and product types) and mystery flavors are no exception. My wife likes to as well so we'll usually buy a single bottle to share and try. Despite liking the novelty it is pretty rare for me to leave the experience thinking, "I need to clear out the shelves before this goes away."
That is my preferred breakfast. I prepare it the night before in a glass to allow the bottom layer tons of time to soften like you say but then I mix it all just before eating. I tend to use kefir since if I want fil I've gotta make it myself but as you say anything similar gets the job done.
You must gather your party before venturing forth.