My union says I can have two drinks on my lunch break off of work premises. For drinks, girl must have a strong unions or weak will.
Church because of the acoustics
Warming, my bad.
My town has to have a whole town hall over churches making warning stations. It ended differently but half the town has to tell the council to fuck off with punishing people for trying to keep people from freezing to death.
When they say taxpayer funded do they mean state buildings? Under federal law this is discrimination and couldn't apply to federal buildings.
The best parody of real life is reality. It's crazy just how I'm your face they are and still not enough people care to oust them.
Tell them large Marge sent ya👾
You should get those split ends trimmed, but who am I to talk I haven't gone in the same amount of time 😑
I got my annual gardettos implant two days ago and the rye chips still hurt.
I was toddling about them, my first vote was for O"bomb"a. I'm not upset with my vote then but after he left America really showed it's hidden side
It looks just like a prop that would belong in Team Fortress 2. This is great.
awesome job, energy Cheerios and all. It's she planning on framing it?