They're fun to use as shooting targets, just do it at 100+ yards
But, but...GaZA!
Anyone who didn't already have a few hundred million lying around who thought Trump was intentionally going to help them, in any way, is a fucking idiot
So does that make it legal to extort from them as well?
Yeah I know, God forbid anything interrupt my employers steady exploitation of me for financial gain
That makes absolutely no sense. Even if a kid made a threat against someone protected by SS, they would use local Leo or the FBI to find and detain the kid, and the school wouldnt prevent it.
Not only that, but as time goes on, we become more productive and generate more profits, only to see the age of retirement increased
I remember when one of the few games workshop stores that existed opened by me years ago so I went in to take a look. Everyone was nice and the worker there gave me a free primed mini fig. But the most memorable thing was the unwavering stench of body odor in the air
A solid next Gen remake of Rocket Jockey and Road Rash
Review state laws on how to interact with LEO. In my state I don't have to say anything unless asked, so I don't. It doesn't really matter, they know as soon as they run your plates if you have CC. Typically they ask me if I'm carrying when they get my license
If only they had competant management...
I interned in broadcast television while I was in college and man, what I learned was to stay the fuck away. Like 10-12 hour days driving all over getting stories, and everyone is paid absolute dick. I was interning for AV production, and the dude with me had done that job for like 25-30 years, and was making less than $15 an hour. The sterile processing tech job I had at the hospital that required a GED, paid more than they made, and I had better benefits. The straight up told me, damn dude if you're working in that hospital, stay there that's way better.
It was purple drank, no doubt. Everyone knows that