There’s not mushroom for that up there
One thing announcing them, but will they actually run and not be cancelled?
Under plans announced during the previous Conservative government
Take it up with your old boss
Puzzle #507
Would have liked to get it in one go, but something pleasing about the grid.
I mean all “carbon neutral” means is they planted a few trees to offset it. Good, but not great
Wordle 1,228 5/6
Awful start but got there in the end
I had to double check it wasn’t by the vocal nazi Stonetoss
The advertising is a massive one. If you were trying to recover from a gambling addiction, you wouldn’t be able to watch any sport on TV. Every advert, especially late at night, is about betting.
Could you imagine the possibly equally as bad reception if a digital game was limited? Then add in that you’d get scalpers trying to sell steam keys for stupid money.
This is just another example of why you should wait a while before buying a new game, even sequels.