
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 30 points 1 week ago

Wie offensichtlicher müssen die Nazis denn noch werden bevor die im Bundestag was dagegen unternehmen?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Don't forget the N variants. In those you don't have any media codecs or DRM plugins.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago

Warum cum'st du?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

I see. Yeah I forgot about the sea Blockade.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (3 children)

A Home Edition implies the existence of a Pro Edition.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Introducing Firefox Localhost edition.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago

Where is JC Denton?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Why is a rear admiral the spokesperson in this matter? Does the IDF uses naval combat in this scenario as well?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Kannst dir net ausdenken.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

Hass auf den Staat

Soweit würde ich das jetzt nicht interpretieren. Eher Hass auf Faschos in der #FckAfD

[–] [email protected] 29 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Diese verdammten kriminellen Wahlmanipulierer! Welche Seite wars denn diesmal schon wieder?


Hello Sci-fi fans and writers, I hope that this here is the correct spot to ask this question regarding a conundrum I have come about during my work on a sci-fi short Story.


In said Short Story, I have some people (Agents) chasing after some other people (Heroes). The heroes stumbled upon some critical information that could damage the faction (Bad Guy) that employs the chasing party. The information got intercepted in time, but to make sure that the information wouldn't be leaked again, they would need to silence the heroes.


In space there are two modes of flight: conventional reaction based propulsion and a higher speed propulsion which uses a so-called jump drive which flings the spaceship along a predetermined trajectory at high sub-light speeds (max speeds would be 0.5c). There is near instantaneous communications, but you would need to be in coverage of the network itself, which is flaky at best.


So how would agents be able to intercept / interdict the heroes in a plausible fashion? Would it be reasonable to have a micro wormhole generator or some other way to deploy gravimetric wells, which would destabilize the entire star system? Would it be anticlimactic to just have the agents wait for the heroes to finish their jump, as they would know where they would drop out?

I would love to hear opinions and suggestions from you.


Ever since 3.14, the great equalizer, all Laser Repeater and Laser Cannons (and also all other Weapons for that matter) have been baselined in damage, rate of fire and capacity usage except styling.

Which guns do you prefer for their aesthetics?

I love my purple/blue pew pews I get from the MaxOx NN and MaxOx NDB weapons, but those Quarreler Shots sound super beefy and satisfying as well.

Also I wonder when those weapons get their distinctiveness back e.g. HD Attritions yielding higher DPS the hotter they get.


Talking about the San'tok.yāi and the Hull C with its upcoming Cargo changes.


I always wanted to ride in a hamster cage and thanks to the Alien Week 2953 offering I now can do exactly that. But in style!

I totally love the Paintjobs for the Alien ships, and Harmony is just the best for the Aopoa Khartu'al!

The gimballed thrusters I loved from the Mirai Fury actually started with this ship and it makes so much fun steering in with it. from 0 to top speed in space in no time, and some very nice weapon hardpoints to boot with (2xs4!) and that transformation sequence. Just sheer awesome.

What do you like about the Aopoa Khartu'al?


Hallo Feddit, ich wollt gerade eine Kurzgeschichte in einer Community für Kurzgeschichten als hochladen. Aber das funktioniert nicht, darauf hin hatte ich versucht ein kurzen Testbeitrag dort zu posten und das hat funktioniert.

Daher meine Frage, gibt es eine Maximal Länge von Beiträgen? (Beitrag wäre ~14 tausend Zeichen lang)


Do you play solo, or in an Org? Do you care about Roleplaying or are you rather casual?

I for myself work mostly alone and solo but I would love eventually join a mil-sim org where I could perform duties of a logistics officer. For example bringing People and Equipment from A to B or gather resources for refining/salvaging which then later could be used (when the Game has progressed) for utilizing those raw resources to manufacture ammunition, repairs and fuel etc.


Moin Hamburg,

sagt mal wisst ihr wo man Tofu hier in unserer wunderschönen Hansestadt (Komme aus Hammerbrook) herbekommt? Ich hab richtig lust mal etwas mit Tofu zu machen.

Und wie kann man das am besten dann auch Würzen? Kenne mich nicht wirklich aus und bin auch einer ein Anfänger was die Küche anbelangt :D


Given that with 3.18 bedlogging finally functioning again (albeit a bit restrictive with the only one person can be on a ship during bedlogging), I wanna ask how long have you been able to live onboard your ship?

With that I mean waking up in your ship and then bed logout on the same.

I am starting my journey through the stars on board of my Crusader Mercury Star Runner (BFS-The Long Dream), trying to do everything from it: be it missions, cargo, exploration (mostly sand caves) and mining.

Got any stories to share as well?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I am a new GM of Pathfinder 2e and my Group and I voted Kingmaker P2 to be our first Adventure Path to play through after we finish the Beginner Box (exquisite material!).

Now I have my vault set up with tons of plugins for managing encounters, creatures and rules and pull the content out of the Kingmaker P2 Adventure Path while trying to keep it structural sound (each chapter on its own, with cross linking between Quests and Characters etc.)

How do you guys do it if you prep a campaign, adventure paths or even just your worldbuilding? What tools do you use and how detailed do you write your notes?

*On a side note: If this post isn't in the correct place, so I apologise as this community is the only one I can see from my instance (coming from on your instance ( also I am pretty new to lemmy all together. *

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