
joined 1 year ago

Generative music, polyrhythmic live-looping, and odd textures. Unrehearsed and in real-time.

[–] Dissasterix 2 points 6 months ago

This album is so good :] Wife sings this one to herself a lot.

[–] Dissasterix 28 points 8 months ago

"Welcome to the future: a boring dystopia where the most nightmarish technology is just another cutesy promotional tool."

[–] Dissasterix 2 points 8 months ago

Total sleeper masterwork. Its been super influential for me :]

[–] Dissasterix 2 points 8 months ago (2 children)
[–] Dissasterix 3 points 10 months ago

Sandy Loam :]]]

[–] Dissasterix 0 points 1 year ago

The issue here is that laws are protecting child marriages ;] Yay, laws! I know what you mean though. I believe some laws are legitimate. However I know that we are beholden to more laws than we know. That as every action becomes more and more regulated it becomes more easy to commit 'crime.' And that 'ignorance of the law is not an excuse for breaking the law.' Seems legit :p

I dont know what you mean to suggest by 'in case I end up voting for someone that defends child marriage.'

[–] Dissasterix 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Pffffffffft! You point to Bezos and Musk as 'free market' guys yet Bezos in prticular made his monopoly through non-compete practices and Musk through govt subsidy. Bro, plz. These are the oligarchs. Dont put them anywhere near a gas station worker! Further, these are people, not markets. I dont... I just dont, lmfao.

Monopoly is not a problem with capitalism, it is a problem with government. Of coure a business seeks to grow/profit. But govt was supposed to protect consumers from monopoly. They didn't. Clearly. Do I blame Bezos/Musk (whom I give $0) or the government that was supposed to protect me (whom I give a significant percentage of net-wealth). Arguably, we would not have our current oligarchs without the collusion between State and corporation... Whats the word for that again?

Socialism has existed since capitalism began? So are you calling Communism Socialism now? Do you agree with V. Lenin when he said 'The goal of Socialism is Communism.'? The slope is slippery, lmao.

Its funny, man. You'll play appologist for the USSR (re: Holodimur) but then go to say no, it wasnt real Communism. This strikes me as an inconsistency. Its easy to find flaws in things that actually exist ;]

The infrastructure for water kind of exists in the West. But its also pretty piss-poor. I live near Detroit/Flint. It took ~9yrs to fix the shitty infrastructure. This how I know you're an idealist-- You're diminishing the seriousness of the differences in the problems. Water is baby-mode compared to food.

Consider my experience of public services. Roads: Detroit. Schools: Detroit. Living standards: Detroit. Police response: Detroit. Fire response: Detroit.... The public sector is a joke.

Go back to the very beginning where I mention Thomas Sowell. You have the anoited vision, you think that impossible things can be achieved with enough money (which is tantamount to force). I don't, I think some problems are legitimately impossible by their nature. If you shrug off food shortages and starvation as a 'capitalits' problem then I know you guys are damned, lol. It IS a hard problem. Try and tell me that it's not.

You can assure me that I wont get the bullet, but what if Im only gulag'd? :p What if you're just some prole and have no say?! People like me are a problem for you guys. Once you get enough FORCE you wont be talking with me... This talking/pseudo-intellectual phase is merely the boot getting put on the foot. I know, Ill be re-educated and made to say I love the State. Hell, maybe you'll get an extra [widget] if you turn me in ;]

Im going to go to work, but I would like to make a little consensus between us :] "Fuck this bullshit neo-liberalism." Agreed?

[–] Dissasterix 1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Im actually pleased if you did produce the .png yourself :] Barely commented on it? Ive flipped it over because it DOES describe taxation if you assume (correctly) that UltraCapitalists dont like paying taxes and dont want their companies to go public-sector. Im merely reframing your view by making inferences. Simple assumptions.

You DID deflect questions. Theres some you missed still, but its cool. We've had a lot to say. I dont think your a robot (anymore) :] Im on mobile, so forgive me if I dont hit all your comments, too. Also we really should condense to one reply thread. Been here before, makes things easier. Im gon try to wait until you reply to my last to make it happen.

I am a Libertarian, not an anarchist. I like the idea of a State. They just also happen to suck in practice. Im giving you hell about Communism but I have criticisms of 'Neo-Libralism' and cuckservatives. For instance, if our nation has open borders then how do I still have property rights if Uncle Sam cannot establish their own rights to property! How can I enjoy my (positive) liberty when the dollar is failing to poor economic planning?! And so on. Technically this will make me a statist, sure. But given the need to redistribute, AnComns are just a larp. AnCaps almost make sense, but its squirrely.

I agree foreign intervention is fucked up and beyond the scope of what our nation was intended to achieve. Retaliation? Maybe, but only if Congress approves and the budget isnt skyhigh. However I go even farther. US founders specifically warned of 'estranged and entangling foreign relations.' This is describing UN/NATO and so on. Im against those sorts of councils.

I would like to hear YOU (not wikipedia) explain the difference between markets and economies. I suspect all you'll come up with is scale...

We have the ability to feed the world on paper. Heres how you can tell its BS though... We havent worked out water yet. Water is virtually imparishable, comes in 1 flavor, is needed everyday, cannot be deformed, can be transported by static pipes... But its not done. Imagine how much harder of a problem food is than water. Its incalcuably more difficult.

Awful things happen in the black market. Human trafficking and hitmen and so on. However it is infact a free market. Most critiques of capitalism come post-robber barron. When the FED was formed. Then blew our load fighting for Europe whoch tanked our finances. So we switched to fiat to fund endless wars and dick with other free peoples. And everyone lives in debt to the banks named after the same robber barrons now. Charming. I would suggest you and I probably never saw a free market.

For instance: Opening a gas station. Gas prices are set by OPEC. US agencies tell you the tax rates, they tell you all the expensive standards they want you to achieve. Then across the street another gas staion opens up. If you charge way more than him, its 'price gouging.' Way less, 'predatory prices.' The same?! 'Price collusion.' Gas stations net profit in selling chips than gas. "Free market."

Most ironically, the practice of making gouging/collusion/predatory tactics unlawful is to prevent monopoly. Meanwhile, the oligarchs openly lobby the government.

[–] Dissasterix 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Okay, so what happens when I dont work but want the peoples' stuff? Just as you hid your true colors, you are obfuscating all the forseeable places where force WILL be applied. It will be applied somewhere. Maybe it'll just be me. Should dissidents like me get the bullet? Why not?!

There is a lot of hand-waving here. Like how great things can be. And all I see is Holodimur and One-child policies. Large spying governments with huge militaries taking land from farmers, always followed by famine. But I know, its all really chill on paper. Slick academics make it sound sexy, sure. And Im sure this time we'll find those chill sociopaths to put at the reigns of power, lol.

You can try to explain it to me, I guess, but this sounds like the most statist worldview imaginable. You're using an analogy about drivers licenses to a libertarian. Fuck a drivers license. Its just a regulatory device to attach fines to a person. The identification card is not for you, its for them!

[–] Dissasterix 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

You say Im propagandized :33 Both require Government+Corporate collusion. Oh, excuse me, in the new-speak, Community+MeansofProduction.

Show me a stateless Communism. However, we really should condense replies so we dont get out of whack.

[–] Dissasterix -1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Im with you 100% that the existence of a State implies force. I consider myself a Libertarian, as I believe that you can have a good State. But a good State will invariably be a small state. A small state will obviously have less time/resources to do bad stuff. As outlined in the US constitution there are only 3 duties for the federal govt. Yet we find ouselves in a position where half the nation is terrified about what geriatric sits behind what desk. This a symptom of too much top-down unilateral power.

Its also true that I can starve if I do not earn my way. However, employment is voluntary. And I will not be exiled if I want to take time off. Yet its not quite the famines seen by the Ukranians or Mao's China. Hell, even Deng (Mao's successor) used Capitalism to turn China into a powerhouse.


I get up-- I get down.


Located near the boarder of Ethiopia and Somalia.

Vivec Ramaswamy (lemmy.world)

We on



Might currently be my favorite painting.

Diogenese Pepe (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago by Dissasterix to c/rarepepes

Sounds like this! Bass rig, finally got a power supply large enough to support everything. Mostly hearing the Moog Ring-Mod+Delay. Its pretty bananas.

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