And as a backup plan, real Starfleet officers know how to start a fire using the rocks coming out of the exploding console or falling from the ceiling.
It's weird but you can totally tell just from the two pictures!
So who's the troublemaker here? Or bigger troublemaker given that all kittens are a handful. My money's on the orange.
I'm an old dude who actually had the original Atari 2600 and 7800 as a kid and loved playing games on them. I finished Pitfall 2 FFS. Those games have exactly zero appeal to me today.
I'm not entirely sure who this new hardware is supposed to appeal to. Would Atari 2600 purists go for this given the price tag and emulated games?
I disagree with the idea that you can't get attached to characters or have a fleshed out world in shorter seasons. I've become more attached to the SNW and Lower Decks characters in 20 and 30 episodes, respectively, and to the characters in the Expanse (for a non Trek example) than I ever did with Voyager's or Enterprise's characters over hundreds of episodes. The key is good writing and acting that fleshes out the characters, not having 26 episodes, half of which are inconsequential or worse, outright garbage. I do agree that 10 episodes is on the short side and think 13 would be ideal.
As for the stakes being higher and higher iterations of the end of the world, again that's a separate issue with writing, not always tied to a short season length.
Confirming that all the Risa memes/content loads fine for someone actually on (using Sync, if how it's being accessed matters for testing).
This tool is great! Thanks for creating it and making it public.
Also, is this the first Lemmy Hug of Death? If so, congrats, I think?
Sleep with one eye open, gripping her pillow tight...
We did it the other way, starting in Manarola and heading north. I felt old, getting passed by old seniors from Europe with their hiking sticks who were clearly in better shape than me. It's an amazing trail!
You're a pretty cat, and a good cat.
Gotta hide from the monsters by making sure you're under or inside the duvet! It's perfectly rational.
That's amazing. This has big "as a thanks for working your nuts off, we'll reward you with a pizza party" energy going on.