My dad and my brother both have passports and travel regularly.
I can't get a passport because my dad refuses to give me legal access to his birth certificate to prove that one of my parents was a citizen when I was born.
Why? Because according to the him, the government shouldn't need that information from our family, so he refuses on principal.
I can't get a passport without that document.
I can try and take my dad to small claims court, but I don't have the money for that, my relationship with my dad is civil and functional aside from this one issue, and getting lawyers involved will destroy the family, all I want is a passport.
He needs a psychiatrist, not a lawyer. Because he makes no sense.
There isn't really enough advice or support out there for children of whack job idiots.
Am I having a stroke before I even read the main article?
Of all the ways you could structure this line, I feel like the author needlessly went with the most cumbersome.