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[–] DillyDaily 10 points 7 months ago

The way alot, aswell and noone are combining is expected given how many other words we don't bat an eye at went the same way. "another" is the perfect example, it's just "an other" combined.

It's sort of the reverse of what happened to words like apron and newt.

The division and bracketing of phrases changes over time.

"An apron" is the modern usage of the word "napron", and a newt was originally called an eute. The grammatical need for "a" and/or "an" resulted in the root word being rebracketed and changed.

[–] DillyDaily 9 points 7 months ago (5 children)


Is this common in American English? I don't think I've ever seen the word oriented double handled like that. Irregardless, it slew me

[–] DillyDaily 1 points 7 months ago

I never really understood at what point a language evolves enough to be an entirely new language.

Old English feels so far removed from even middle English, let alone modern English.

We have "new" and "old" to differentiate them, but with how many Latin words alone entered English between Old English and Modern English, It's something I've never found a comprehensive answer to.

I guess, what is it about proto-indo European that we acknowledge as a distinct language from the hundreds of thousands of languages that evolved from it, other than time scale and global impact.

[–] DillyDaily 12 points 7 months ago (2 children)

In my country, a fanny is a cunt, so hearing Americans call bum-bags "fanny packs" was, and still is, hilarious to me.

But I will be exclusively referring to my bum bag as my "strap on" from now on. Thank you, groucho's mom.

[–] DillyDaily 5 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (2 children)

Three words. Edward scissors hands.

[–] DillyDaily 5 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Some people think cilantro tastes awful, and I don't understand those people on that point either.

You don't understand that some people have a genetic mutation that causes their taste buds to be more sensitive to the flavour compounds in cilantro, including Aldehyde?

What is hard to understand?

Aldehydes are a flavour compound in cilantro that in small doses gives a fresh, light and vibrant taste. Aldehydes are also present in the soap making process, various other cleaning agents, as well as being released by certain insects.

If you taste a lot of these specific Aldehydes, you will taste soap. But cilantro doesn't contain enough Aldehyde for most people to notice any fowl tastes.

That is, unless you are an X-man with mutant taste buds.

Their taste buds pick up on the Aldehydes, and therefore cilantrotastes like soapy stink bugs.

It doesn't mean I don't accept them for who they are.


looks gross.

You don't get to claim you accept people for who they are, then call them or aspects of their appearance "gross".

If you truly believed that people can have preferences we don't agree with, then you would keep your mouth shut when you see a piercing you don't like, but that clearly they like having.

Accepting people starts with learning that if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.

[–] DillyDaily 6 points 7 months ago

You should probably get that shiny, silver snot looked at by a doctor.

There are 7.9 billion people in this world, you can't be expected to try and look hot for all of them. I don't want to be attractive to the masses, that's exhausting.

I want to attract the type of people I'm attracted to.

That includes unusual piercings and body mods. I can't explain why I find them attractive, but I don't have to explain. We can just like different things and not yuck each other's yum.

[–] DillyDaily 1 points 7 months ago

It's so baffling because this is really one of the only things he has an issue with. Other than my passport, he doesn't talk or act like he has any major issues with the government as a process.

I will say, I'm not too worried that his anti-gov opinions will result in great levels of harm. My country had had a conservative party in power for some time now. I also hate the current government. My dad marches at the fortnightly pro-palestine rally in our city, and he attends antifa and pro queer events with me and my mum. Last year he phoned me to get information about the socialist party because after years of voting for the labour/workers party he's going harder left. He values my political opinion. He's socially progressive (despite having the wrong vocabulary to express his opinions, nothing funnier than an old bloke saying "what is everyone's problem with fags reading books to kids!? It's so wholesome")

And I would say he's masking some of deep rooted misogyny or something and just wants to prevent his female kid from accessing basic government services.

But he's got no issues with women and non men having passports, and in every other aspect of my life he is supportive and wants me to succeed...he also wants me to travel, he keeps saying he'll pay for my holiday, but I tell him I don't need money, just his birth certificate, and he continues to say "no you don't need that, you just need your birth certificate"

I've taken him to the passport office with me and had the admin worker tell him to how face he needs to give me his birth certificate, and he told her "no, that's unnecessary" and then he walked out and waited for me in the car.

It all started in the last 5 years, in 2019. In my 20s, he had no issues whatsoever with anything I did, I wasn't in a financial position to travel so I never looked into getting a passport till I was almost 30, and suddenly dad didn't want the government in his business but only in the context of me requiring to prove that he's my parent.

It's not even like I can write him off as senile.

[–] DillyDaily 4 points 7 months ago

It's been years since I've seen them movie but I recall having a third interpretation of the joke.

I thought Austin has assumed the communists won because prior to being frozen he felt that USSR had a stronger standing in the cold war and would be the more likely victor, regardless of Austin's personal opinions on communism and capitalism.

To expand on this, you could also imply that Austin assumed the capitalists lost because he was frozen. He knows he's a great spy, what chance did capitalism stand without him fighting for it?.

I don't intend to rewatch the movie because my life experiences since then have made it impossible to enjoy media that uses homophobia and transphobia as common punch lines, but I can still agree that it's a great joke, a great movie for it's time, and cleverly written.

[–] DillyDaily 2 points 7 months ago

This is very true, though I don't really care how the family gets destroyed, I don't want to have a destroyed family at this point in my life right now because I need their support in other ways, so if I can avoid pulling the pin on a series of events I know my father will choose to react poorly to, I want to save myself that stress.

I know my mental health could not handle a family break down right now.

[–] DillyDaily 2 points 7 months ago

That would be breaking and entering, and theft, and I also can't be certain he even has a copy at his house, I also need to get it witnessed and notorised for my application, which is harder to do stealthily with my disabilities.

I do not want to break the law in order to get a passport of the country I'm a citizen of.

My mother and he are long divorced.

[–] DillyDaily 1 points 8 months ago

Well not if you strip it from all context and the nuance of OPs specific word choice.

Because I could tell a story about my Turkish co-worker that ends like:

"my co-worker of specific race is doing dodgy shit and it's so harmful for the whole community that he's doing this, especially with how much anti-ethnic group hate is going around, he's giving everyone a bad name and I'm worried his behaviour as an individual aashole who happens to be race is going to start a spree of hate crimes against others who aren't doing anything wrong, because most people aren't, my co-worker is"

And I would argue that this story is fundamentally different from just leaving it as "my Turkish co-worker is doing dodgy stuff".

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