Panama -> Canala
I'm saying this as a 2 year convert Firefox user: mostly easily replaceable. Sure, I can browse pretty much every page that I can on chrome. However, a few sites don't work the same way - sometimes because of the site's conscious decision, sometimes because of Firefox.
Take Facebook, for example. On desktop, I can't make voice calls anymore from the desktop site. For a while it was possible with non encrypted chats, but now pretty much all of them are encrypted, and FF is not compatible with that. I also can't watch h265 videos in my chats anymore. I'm still sticking with FF, but I just can't easily say that FF is just as good for everything (I'm still not going back to chrome).
I know a president like that.
"The catch is, that they will look at you and ask you a lot of questions about computer related things."
Hah, you have no idea I'm secretly into this!
"Often times they will repeat their question moments later"
...escape by suicide.
Did he just point his rifle at a civilian several times? I'm not familiar with military rules, but I thought you shouldn't point your gun at people you're not sure should die.
Fall into me
And drown inside me
I know you will see
The beauty of me
Also, I've seen this episode of Tom Scott.
I'm an ex student. Homework is meh. As long as it didn't take too much of my time, I didn't mind doing it - at least it helps practice. I would still have been happy to abolish it, but I didn't hate it too much.
WEEKEND homework, however... can fuck right off. Weekend is weekend for a reason, and not letting kids finally break away from school is just unnecessarily cruel. Imagine having Mon-Fri work, but having to do some extra work every single weekend (unpaid).
You can't convince me the pig in the third pic isn't Winne the 🇨🇳 Pooh.
I haven't heard this speech yet, but his usual rhetoric is that we want to be in the EU, but it's making the wrong decisions. Looking back at the past 14 years, he is practicing doublespeak in a wilder and wilder manner every year. I'm baffled that the country is still in the EU, or has been in the past decade.